Building materials
- Markus Strobl (ESS-AB)
Folker Wittmann
(Aedificat Institute Freiburg (AIF) and Qingdao Tech)
4/16/12, 1:30 PM
Service life of most reinforced concrete structures exposed to agressive environment is not sufficient. In many countries this fact is both an economical and an ecological serious problem. Frequently transport of aqueous salt solutions is at the origin of early deterioration. Neutron imaging has proved to be a unique test method to determine moisture movement in the micro-porous structure of...
Pavel Trtik
(EMPA Dubendorf)
4/16/12, 2:00 PM
It has previously been shown [1-2] that concretes and mortars exhibit a patchy microstructure of hardened cement paste (hcp), i.e. a microstructure in which dense areas of hcp are sharply delineated from porous areas. Similarly, patchy microstructure has also been observed in samples of hardened cement pastes with embedded water-saturated light-weight aggregates [3,4] and superabsorbent...
Dominique Derome
4/16/12, 2:30 PM
We use neutron imaging to acquire the spatial distribution of water, or other fluids, in porous materials during wetting (in liquid or vapor phase), redistribution, drying, with or without the presence of temperature gradients. In addition, we impose different boundary conditions such as control air flow above the porous material, using a micro windtunnel, or controlled changes in relative...