Material research / Metallurgy
- Burkhard Schillinger (TU München FRM II)
Florian Kargl
(Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR))
4/17/12, 8:30 AM
Mechanisms of diffusion are well understood in solids with a large database of diffusion coefficients available. For liquids the situation is less clear. An experimental database with accurate diffusion coefficients even for comparatively simple binary systems is currently not available. Hence, it is difficult to test existing theories, models, or data obtained by numerical modelling against...
Marisa Medarde
(Laboratory for Developments and Methods, Paul Scherrer Institut)
4/17/12, 9:00 AM
Reciprocal-space techniques, among them neutron diffraction, are a common tools for the investigation of structural phase transitions. Neutron imaging, which provides direct-space information on the macro-scale, is still a rarity for this kind of studies. Here we present an example demonstrating the potential of combining both techniques. We will illustrate it with a temperature dependent...
Thomas Kannengiesser
(BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing)
4/17/12, 9:30 AM
The purpose of the present study is to show the feasibility of examining hydrogen desorption in steels using neutron radiography at the ANTARES facility of the FRM II research reactor, TU Munich. It has been shown that this method is appropriate for in situ determination of hydrogen desorption. Experiments were carried out in the temperature range from room temperature up to 260°C. Measurement...
Philipp Schmakat
(Physik-Department E21, Technische Universität München, D-85748 Garching, Germany)
4/17/12, 10:00 AM
At the neutron imaging beam line ANTARES at FRM II, Munich, we have recently developed the Neutron Depolarisation Imaging (NDI) technique [1,2]. The NDI method, which is a combination of neutron radiography and polarisation analysis, allows mapping of variations of magnetic properties over a sample on a length scale of about 300 µm. These may, for instance, result from variations of the...