Short presentations (Poster session)
- Markus Strobl (ESS-AB)
(Paul scherrer Institut, Laboratory for neutron scattering)
4/16/12, 3:00 PM
On going material performance improvement leads to incorporate advance ceramics/polymer/metals/ into diverse heterogeneous system (metallic matrix, carbon, nanofiber etc…). The behavior and performances of these systems usually depends on the interplay between atomic, nano/meso and macros/microscopic structure.
Traditionally the structural information on these length is determined separately...
Gizo Bokuchava
(FLNP JINR, Dubna, Russia)
4/16/12, 3:03 PM
The method of neutron imaging is considered as an important technique for non-destructive testing and as research tool in physics, material science, geology, archaeology, etc. Therefore shortly after the launch of the IBR-2 pulsed reactor after modernization the first test experiments were performed on beamline Nr. 12 of the reactor. The first obtained results confirmed the good perspectives...
Alexander Evans
(Institut Laue Langevin)
4/16/12, 3:06 PM
The high flux reactor source at the ILL, Grenoble provides the highest continuous neutron fluxes current available worldwide. To exploit this position in 2002 the NEUTROGRAPH instrument for dynamic radiography and tomography was constructed. It is set up at the H9 beam line was operational since October 2002, as a collaboration between the ILL and the University of Heidelberg. With a...
Winfried Kockelmann
(ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
4/16/12, 3:09 PM
A new facility for neutron imaging and neutron diffraction called IMAT (Imaging and Materials Science) is currently being built at the pulsed neutron spallation source ISIS. IMAT will be available for a wide range of materials science applications with a main emphasis on engineering science. The special feature of IMAT will be energy-dependent imaging combined with neutron diffraction. The...
Filomena Salvemini
(Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy)
4/16/12, 3:12 PM
Investigation of the forging and assembly of armour is one of the most interesting topics in ancient Japanese technology. In this work, we present novel results from a non-invasive approach to the study of two Japanese helmets (kabuto) made in the 17th Century.
There are many different types of Japanese helmets, but they can be grouped into three main categories: those made from a single...
Masayoshi Tamaki
(TAMAKI Memorial Institute)
4/16/12, 3:15 PM
The non-destructive techniques, as mentioned in the followings, are to be applied usefully for non-destructive analysis of failed core fuels and materials in the reactors no.1-3 and spent fuels in the fuel pools no.1-4 in the Fukushima-Daiichi PPTs.
Heavy elements like as actinides have commonly a sharp neutron resonance absorption. Resonance energy depends intrinsically on nuclide...
Kudejova Petra
(Technische Universität München, Forschungsneutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II))
4/16/12, 3:18 PM
In frame of the ANCIENT CHARM project in 2006-2009 we have built a testing Prompt Gamma Activation Imaging installation combined with a Neutron Tomography set-up. Although the divergence of our beam is due to an elliptical end of the beam guide not optimal for tomography purposes, we have got an image-resolution smaller than 500 um. This resolution was sufficient in order to navigate the...
Vladimira Jelinkova
(Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical Univ. in Prague, Czech Republic)
4/16/12, 3:21 PM
The subject of the contribution is to show the possibilities of combining the three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and neutron imaging (NI) to investigate the complex water flow dynamics in natural soil. The infiltration outflow experiment was conducted on undisturbed soil samples with concurrent imaging by i) MRI and ii) NI. Despite the experiment was conducted on two different...
Tobias Panzner
(Paul Scherrer Institut , LDM)
4/16/12, 3:24 PM
The purpose of the instrument is to test new kinds of neutron optics and other applications e.g. in the field of neutron imaging and detector development.
Presently the neutron beamline BOA is in the final commissioning phase at PSI/SINQ. The beamline is a redesign of the former fundamental physics instrument FUNSPIN. BOA is a 18 m long instrument located at beam channel 51 looking on the...
Robin Woracek
(University of Tennessee & Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin)
4/16/12, 3:27 PM
Wavelength dependent neutron transmission imaging has recently gained attention for the potential to spatially resolve texture, crystallographic phase and lattice strain. Especially promising is the time-of-flight (TOF) approach that takes maximum advantage of the new generation of pulsed spallation neutron sources, such as the SNS, JSNS and ESS. Compared to traditional (neutron) residual...
Felix Kim
(University of Tennessee)
4/16/12, 3:30 PM
High spatial resolution dual modality (neutron and X-ray) tomography was performed on partially water-saturated silica sand specimens with two different grain shape morphologies (round and angular) at Helmholtz-Zentrum-Berlin. Partially saturated sand specimens were placed in custom developed granular material compaction molds. Partially saturated silica sand is a three phase material...
Steven Peetermans
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
4/16/12, 3:33 PM
Neutron radiography and its extension to tomography is based on transmission contrast by varying macroscopic cross sections in the sample of interest. Traditionally, a polychromatic beam is used, which enables to discriminate between different sample materials and thicknesses.
By using a tunable monochromatic, cold neutron beam one can scan in transmission polycrystalline samples over the...
Stephen Hall
(Division of Solid Mechanics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden and European Spallation Source AB, Lund, Sweden)
4/16/12, 3:36 PM
The understanding of the mechanics of geomaterials (i.e., soils and rocks) is central to many civil and research engineering projects. However the deformation of these materials is very complex with multi-scale phenomena (from interactions of individual grains to the evolution of deformation structures). Furthermore, these materials have inherent heterogeneity, both from their formation and in...
Stefan Söllradl
(Paul Scherrer Institute & University of Bern)
4/16/12, 3:39 PM
Prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA), as well as neutron radiography are known as non-destructive neutron techniques. While in PGAA, the average elemental composition of the irradiated volume can be obtained, with neutron radiography one can visualise the internal structure of an inhomogeneous sample with a high resolution. With combining the two methods, the chemical composition of the...
Felix Beckmann
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht)
4/16/12, 3:42 PM
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht is operating beamlines using neutrons at the FRM2, Munich and using synchrotron radiation at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg. At the storage rings DORIS III and PETRA III four different beamlines are equipped to perform attenuation-contrast and phase-contrast microtomography. For the efficient use of beamtime and to increase the sample...