Water transport II
- Eberhard Lehmann (Paul Scherrer Instiut)
Daniel Grolimund
(Paul Scherrer Institute, Swiss Light Source)
4/18/12, 10:30 AM
Reactive transport phenomena in porous media are of fundamental relevance not only in hydrology or environmental sciences, but also in a broad range of other scientific disciplines as well as in numerous engineering processes. For most chemically active porous materials or composite systems, their physical structure and chemical reactivity is directly reflected in the spatial distribution of...
Michal Snehota
(Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical Univ. in Prague, Czech Republic)
4/18/12, 11:00 AM
Ponded infiltration is a hydrological process in which water remaining at the soil surface infiltrates under positive pressures into the soil profile which becomes nearly or fully saturated. For most natural sites this condition occurs only for a short period of time, mostly during extreme precipitations, still a large fraction of the total water and chemical fluxes in the soil profile are...
Anton Tremsin
(University of California at Berkeley)
4/18/12, 11:30 AM
The unique capability of MCP detectors to count neutrons with high detection efficiency (70% for cold and 50% for thermal), high spatial resolution (sub-15 um) and no readout noise can be very attractive for some applications where relatively small area of the detector (currently 28x28 mm^2) is acceptable. The recent development of fast parallel readout electronics for a 2x2 Timepix readout...