CAS Accelerator Seminars

Design and Control of Fast Actuators for Beam Wire Scanners at CERN

by Jonathan Emery (CERN)

WBGB/019 (Paul Scherrer Institut)


Paul Scherrer Institut


Developing fast actuators that can operate in the vacuum vessels of accelerators presents challenging engineering problems in various domains. In addition to vacuum constraints, which in some cases include compatibility with bake-out after installation, these systems must also deal with radiation effects on electronics and thermomechanical responses to direct particle energy deposition and/or electromagnetic beam coupling.

This presentation will focus on how fast actuators are designed and controlled for fast beam wire scanners at CERN, which are dedicated to beam size measurements in the LHC and its injectors. Emphasis will be given to the recent design and production of the new generation for the injectors, which can reach speeds of 20m/s, have already demonstrated a position determination precision better than 5um, and have shown high reliability. Finally, a dedicated section will discuss the ongoing work for the LHC scanner consolidation.


For details, contact Mariusz Sapinski