
Agenda WP5 meeting in HollandPTC - Delft


09:30-10:00       arrival & coffee

10:00-11:00       status updates (2 slides status report) 

11:00-11:30       coffee break

11:30-12:30       4 presentations on automated treatment planning

12:30-13:30       lunch

13:30-14:00       outcome questionnaire and discussion

14:00-15:30       workgroup goals discussion + next steps + who will be involved in work group

15:30-16:00       planning next year (schedule meetings, who wants to host) + preparation EPTN meeting October + update planning adaptive task group

16:00-16:15       Wrap up and closure

16:15                  option research beamline visit





The adress of HollandPTC is: Huismansingel 4, Delft. 


Coming by car:

People coming by car can put this address in their navigation system and park their car on our own private parking (for free).


Coming with publica transport:


HollandPTC has 4 bus stops close by. 

Most close by: Bus stop Technopolis (Bus 69 - TU Technopolis, last stop) and bus stop Molengraaffsingel (Bus 174 - Rotterdam Noord via Berkel)

Bus stop Kluyverpark (Bus 40) is a slightly longer walk. 


All buses depart from and go to train station Delft Station, there is no bus service from Delft Campus Station (formerly Delft Zuid).


Bus line 40 - Get off at stop Kluyverpark

Bus line 69 - Get off at Technopolis stop.

Bus line 174 - Get off at stop Molengraaffsingel


In case people would like to book a hotel we can recommend three hotels:


If you are coming by train and like something modern > 

If you are coming by train and like something historic > 
If you are coming by car >