October 5, 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone


Scientific progress is mainly based on the exchange of researchers worldwide. It is, therefore, essential to enable access to the HPC systems and the underlying data as simply as possible. As-a-service offerings provide endpoints for users to interface with, which are usually API-driven but can commonly be controlled via a web console in a user's web browser.

Internally complex HPC systems generally need to possess a high degree of internal automation to provide varying levels of fault tolerance and resiliency, the ability to scale up and down to meet capacity and performance requirements of the workloads submitted to the service by its users, and are usually intended to operate their day to day functions without the need for human intervention.

In this forum, we want to explore specific challenges for the HPC community and potential solutions in an as-a-service scenario.

Key Questions

  • What service do our users expect?
  • What specific challenges provide HPC and the underlying data-as-a-service
  • How to find the balance between security and openness
  • What automation mechanisms help in an as-a-service scenario?
Y35-F-51 Teleteaching
Universität Zürich Winterthurerstrasse 190 8057 Zürich
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