Overleaf for publication on data of 2022: https://www.overleaf.com/3255896293nmkhrjktphff#5d11fd
Made an animation for the radon being flushed out of the gas cell after decay with corresponding graphs (see slides if you want to use it)
Idea for improving ELET: Naive algorithm can work better than exact extrapolation, but this corresponds to extrapolating to a different value
--> What if we extrapolate to a value below zero with a third parameter? Risetime gives an indication of the shift due to non-linearity --> Quick simulation (based on e^t/tau - 1 pulses) looks good but still need to do on pulses from the data
SDD timing: weird broad time structure (~1.3 µs total width) with double hump
ELET and template fitting didn't seem to work, but maybe cutting some events based on chi2 could improve a bit
Several microseconds for charges drifting around is likely the cause for bad timing
Test collection with Ag-110m as electronic equivalent for Ag108m
Compared lasers on 110m side peaks and a bit further outward (109 has it's resonance at the centroid)
Efficiency seemed reasonable and purity O(1-5%) for different collection conditions --> Quite good since we started from a relative ratio of ~1e-7
Talked with Mia Au at ISOLDE about collecting radium. Ionization efficiency is good, but no clue about extraction efficiency.
We could do a test this winter physics to quantify and collect for a target next winter physics for an actual Ra-226 target for muX --> To be discussed more