X-ray absorption spectroscopy is a widely used (operando) synchrotron technique by the chemistry/material science community. This 2-day hands-on course offered by Prof. Anatoly Frenkel (visiting Stony Brook University, USA), Dr. Nina Genz and Dr. Aram Bugaev focuses on the analysis of EXAFS and XANES spectra. The course is given at intermediate to advance level and is intended for students and scientists with prior knowledge and experience in XAS.
Topics covered include:
- Theoretical principles of XAS
- Modelling mono- and bimetallic nanoparticles from EXAFS
- Thermal and structural disorder in EXAFS
- Theoretical modelling and fitting the XANES spectra
A detailed timetable is now available.
Please note: the workshop is planned as an in-person event and is limited to 25 participants, based upon selection from the large registration list (users of SLS have priority).
Registration is now closed. Please contact the organizers if you are a user of the SLS and still want to sign up.