56Co lines in literature seem to be questionable!
They fitted the double escape peak, which is in substantial overlap with another peak
Another work seems more trustworthy, but they quote 0.5 keV uncertainty --> Not useful for calibration
Remeasure it ourselves? --> Suggestion Andreas: Gold on veto + 56Co may give a decent value
Geant4: Progressing and slowly adding more detectors
Investigate binning effects on data
Improvement up to 10 bins/keV with statistical error of 8 eV --> 100 bins/keV still seems good
Problem with the convergence of beta and fG --> Go to small values to make the tail a regular gaussian
Try to include a prior to bias likelihood to larger gaussian fractions
Suggestion Andreas: Evaluate what happens without a tail (at different energies, it may not be needed?) and/or evaluate energy dependence of beta
Publication is progressing: MP part is written and DoD part shouldn't take much longer. Andreas will talk to people that made surface targets of gold/chromium/graphite and write a section.
Manaslu meeting in April, would like to have someone from muX present the heavy stuff. For Andreas it may be tough, Frederik will check his agenda and see if he can come.
Preparing colloquium
Uranium and thorium are slowly starting to match with Stella's simulations
Should we update the website of muX hosted by PSI?
Perhaps muonic atoms with subcategories muX/ReferenceRadii/Quartet
Get ReferenceRadii and Quartet on experiment list
Reference radii will start on thursday after MIXE, end is slightly flexible, but the setup of quartet needs the hallendienst