The Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) and the Swiss Plasma Center (EPFL-SPC) will be hosting the joint 5th Superconducting Magnets Test Facility Workshop (SMTF 5) and 3rd Instrumentation and Diagnostics for Superconducting Magnets Workshop (IDSM 3) from March 30th to April 4th, 2025 at the Parkhotel in Bad Zurzach, Switzerland.
By joining the two workshops, we aim to enrich the overall experience and foster new collaborations between the members of the communities.
The contributions for SMTF 5 should focus on the following topics:
- Status report on test facilities for accelerator and fusion magnets, including equipment and operational conditions
- Plans for upgrading/development of test facilities
- List of relevant projects for the laboratory that are a driver for operations or further investment
The contributions for IDSM 3 may focus on the following topics:
- Diagnostics for transient strain energy releases, quench precursors and sources of training in LTS magnets (acoustic emission, accelerometers, strain sensors, FBGs, etc.).
- Diagnostic challenges for HTS magnets in fusion and accelerator magnets: conductor defects, damage mechanisms, current sharing.
- Novel quench detection for HTS magnets and localization methods (optical, ultrasonic, RF, etc.).
- Magnetic measurement methods (harmonic field probes, quench antennas, other magnetic sensors).
- Innovative electronics and data acquisition solutions.
- Data analysis and management; processing diagnostic big data with ML/AI
- Any innovative ideas for new kinds of diagnostic instrumentation, sensors, and data analysis techniques
Following the success of the previous SMTF and IDSM Workshops, we sincerely hope that you may be interested in supporting this initiative, going forward, by accepting our invitation and making a valuable contribution to the workshop program. We are looking forward to your participation!
Marta Bajko (CERN), chairperson of the SMTF
Maxim Marchevsky (LBNL) and Gerard Willering (CERN), chairpersons of the IDSM
On behalf of the scientific organization committee:
Marta Bajko CERN
Franco Mangiarotti CERN
Maxim Marchevsky LBNL
Kamil Sedlak EPFL
Stoyan Stoynev FNAL
Roser Vallcorba CEA
Gerard Willering CERN
And the local organizing committee represented by:
Michal Duda PSI
Quentin Gorit VDL ETG&PSI
Stéphane Sanfilippo PSI
Kamil Sedlak EPFL
Nadja Zingg EPFL
Carolin Zoller PSI
The SMTF 5 and IDSM 3 are hosted by PSI and EPFL-SPC
The SMTF 5 and IDSM3 are sponsored and supported by