30 March 2025 to 4 April 2025
Dorint Parkhotel Bad Zurzach, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Demo4 HTS Magnet System

1 Apr 2025, 10:50
Saal room (Dorint Parkhotel Bad Zurzach, Switzerland)

Saal room

Dorint Parkhotel Bad Zurzach, Switzerland


Saman Ghannadzadeh (Tokamak Energy Solutions)


Oral presentation (20 min) + Q&A (10 min)

Tokamak Energy is pursuing commercial fusion energy based on the development of spherical tokamaks with high temperature superconducting (HTS) magnets. We have embarked on a broad magnet devel- opment programme, addressing technologies including coil manufacturing, quench protection, modelling and simulation, HTS irradiation, and other aspects. Part of this programme is the Demo4 demonstrator project. This an ambitious high-field HTS magnet built in a full tokamak configuration.
The system consists of 28 toroidal-field and 16 poloidal-field coils, reaching a total of 44 HTS coils. This will provide a world-first demonstration of the operation of a representative array of coils in a toroidal and poloidal configuration, operating at fusion-relevant magnetic fields and temperatures.
The magnet is instrumented with over 600 temperature, hall, voltage and FBG sensors, generating over 3 TB of diagnostic data per day. This data will give detailed validation of the predicted operational margins of the 44 coils in steady state, transient scenarios and system fault conditions.
This talk will provide an overview of the Demo4 project, with a focus on the instrumentation, data- acquisition and quench detection systems.

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