7–12 Sept 2025
Europe/Zurich timezone

Presenter Information

Presenter Information

Oral presentations

The available time for presentations is given on the timetable and sessions chairs are asked to keep strictly the time limit. 
  • Invited presentations are 25 min + 5 minutes discussion time
  • Contributed presentations are 15 min + 5 min discussion time
To ensure a flawless flow transition between presentations the oral contributions should be provided, exclusively, on PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) or PDF formats. All the presentations will have to use the conference computer provided in the auditorium, which will be a Mac computer. If special fonts are used, they have to be embedded in the presentation. Please note that some special Windows fonts are not available on the Mac operating system per default, so embedding is important.
Authors are required to upload their presentation to this INDICO system using their credentials used for registration. Once uploaded, the presentations will only be available to all registered delegates of the workshop. About one week after the workshop the presentations will be made publicly available, so authors have the chance to adjust their presentations, like removing backup slides. If sharing of the slides with the conference attendees is not wanted, the uploaded slides can be protected "private" so that only the central conference computer can show them.


The posters should be A0 size and portrait oriented (840 mm x 1180 mm or 33" x 46"). They will be attached by PSI staff, so no need to bring any sticky tape etc. The posters are allowed to stay up to Thursday morning to maximize their exposure to the participants. For the same reason, we also encourage you to submit a PDF version of your poster to be stored in the INDICO system.


No proceedings will be published. Instead, talks and posters will be made publicly available on the workshop web site so they can be referenced. In case an author does not want this, the organisers should be contacted to exclude the paper.