We strongly encourage participants from Europe to travel by train. The city of Zürich is well-connected to most European cities by train, allowing us to hold an environmentally sustainable workshop. For participants arriving from outside of Europe by plane, we recommend using connections with the minimal amount of layovers. Zürich airport is very close to the city and easily reachable by public transport; the tram line T 10 directly connects the airport and the workshop venue, for example.
Zürich has a well-developed public transportation system. We recommend buying 24h-ticket passes instead of individual tickets. A 24h-ticket pass is exactly the price of two individual tickets, but valid for the full day in the selected zones. Zürich HB, the recommended hotels, Campus Irchel, and large parts of the city from Oerlikon in the north to Zürich lake in the south as well as Zürichberg in the east to Altstetten in the west are located in zone 110. However, the airport is located in a different zone.
The workshop takes place on Campus Irchel of the University of Zürich, room Y36-K08 (red cross in the picture below). If you follow the red arrow on the map, you enter the building on the H floor. The room is located two floors above, exactly over the entrance. There will be some signs guiding you to the room.
The easiest way to reach the venue is by getting to the tram/bus station Milchbuck using public transport. From Milchbuck you can reach the workshop venue by taking a nice 10 min walk through the Irchel Park, see the red path in the picture below. The tram station Universität Irchel is closer, but frequented by less tram lines. For participants staying in the Oerlikon area, the venue can also be reached from the north side by walking about 20 min from the Oerlikon train station, as shown by the blue path. Entering the building from the north side is not totally trivial.
We will have coffee breaks right outside the workshop room. For lunch, the closest and cheapest option is the UZH Irchel Mensa (black cross in the picture), but there are also some restaurants around Milchbuck.