25 March 2025
Paul Scherrer Institute
Europe/Zurich timezone


ENRICH Health: 4RI Onco-Day Flyer




09.30 Welcome


09.40 Topic block 1 “Radiation Therapy”


(2 keynotes from clinicians, 3 project presentations of 4RI-researchers)


Keynote 1a: How submillimeter SFRT is changing the radio-oncology treatment

Valentin Djonov, Uni Bern


Keynote 1b: Radioligand Therapy: How to transform the Hype into Steady Growth

Niklaus Schäfer, CHUV


Enhancing Radiotherapy with Nanoparticles

Monika Zimmermann, Empa


Online adaptive radiotherapy

Andreas Smolders, PSI


Modelling of clinical outcome

Bastien Golomer, PSI


11.20 Guided Tour PSI Center for Proton Therapy


12.30 Lunch (and networking)
13.45 Topic block 2 “AI & diagnostics”

keynote from clinician, 5 project presentations of 4RI-researchers)


Keynote 2: Digital pathology / Cancer biomarkers 

Anna Bettina Sobottka-Brillout, USZ


Overview AI diagnostics diagnostics 

G.V. Shivashankar, PSI


3D virtual histology

Robert Zboray, Empa


AI for radiotherapy        

Li Muheng, PSI


Delineation of signaling routes in tumor-associated macrophages

Marija Buljan, Empa


Digital human twins for tailoring transdermal pain medication for cancer patients

René Rossi, Empa,    Thijs Defraeye, Empa



15.30 Topic block 3 “Theragnostics"
1 keynote from clinician, 3 project presentations of 4RI-researchers)


Keynote 3: Deciphering the mechanisms of immune checkpoint inhibitor-mediated toxicity

Lukas Flatz, KSSG


Overview Radiotheranostics

Roger Schibli, PSI


Patient-derived glioblastoma on a chip system: enabling combinatorial therapy development

Peter Wick, Empa


FLASH in proton therapy

Robert Schäfer, PSI

16.35 Outlook and Closing
(1 keynote from clinician, summary of organizing committee)


Closing Keynote: ForME: a cooperation initiative between clinicians and 4RI


Hans Jürg Beer, KSB

17.05  Apéro


17.30 End