10–14 Oct 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

Sitall UCN-Messung

12 Oct 2010, 17:00
Main Auditorium (WHGA/001) (PSI)

Main Auditorium (WHGA/001)


CH-5232 Villigen PSI


Preliminary laboratory researches have shown, that a polycrystalline glass ceramic named Sitall could be a very suitable material for future UCN-storage experiments. This material provides high mechanical and temperature strength plus good electric isolation characteristics and an effective wall potential for UCN of V=125 neV. Our aim was to prove the UCN storage characteristics of a Sitall glass-ceramic bottle produced from SRIOMT (Moscow, Russia). The cylindrical storage bottle was installed at the UCN-source C of the reactor TRIGA Mainz. After different cleaning processes, such as backing out and RF-discharge with helium, a storage time of 160(2) s was measured in a one-day experiment. The main UCN-losses arise from absorption and upscattering at the surface of the Sitall.

Primary author

Christian Düsing

Presentation materials