Leonard goeltl
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
The ultra-cold neutron (UCN) source at the Paul Scherrer Intstitute uses the full 1.3 MW proton beam on a spallation targetin a heavy water moderation system including a deuterium crystal at a temperature of about 6 K as cold source and converter. The produced UCN will be confined in a storage volume and can be distributed to the experiments via 7-10 m long UCN guides.
We here report on the monitoring and surveillance systems of the source, with emphasis on sensors in the high radiation and cryogenic environment. A UCN detection system was developed to monitor the produced UCN density inside the intermediate storage volume and after ~3.5m of UCN guide while only negligibly influencing UCN density itself. The detector system was designed and tested to withstand 20 years of source operation which corresponds to a fluence of 1018 n/cm2 for the scintillator and the first centimeters of the light guides. Energy resolution will be obtained by using several detectors with coatings of different material optical potential.
Primary author
Leonard goeltl
(Paul Scherrer Institut)