10–14 Oct 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

Eotvisch-type experiment with cold neutron

13 Oct 2010, 09:50
Main Auditorium (WHGA/001) (PSI)

Main Auditorium (WHGA/001)


CH-5232 Villigen PSI
Oral Searches for new forces Session We - 1


Dr Vladimir Voronin (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)


The crystal-diffraction experiment to test a weak equivalence principle for the neutron will be discussed. It is based on an essential magnification of an external affect on neutron diffracting by Laue for the Bragg angles close to right one. Factor of diffraction enhancement for the neutron trajectory "curvature" due to external field can reach magnitude about ~(10^8 - 10^9) in comparison with a free neutron. Accuracy to measure the ratio of inertial to gravitational neutron masses can reach ~10^{-6}, that is about two orders higher than best modern result.

Primary author

Dr Vladimir Voronin (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)

Presentation materials