10–14 Oct 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

Some implications of Strong CP-violation: Vacuum Polarization and Vacuum Birefringence

12 Oct 2010, 17:00
Main Auditorium (WHGA/001) (PSI)

Main Auditorium (WHGA/001)


CH-5232 Villigen PSI


Mr Raffaele Millo (University of Trento)


Strong CP-violation implies that a vacuum permeated by electromagnetic fields develops an anomalous electric dipole moment, parallel to the external magnetic field. We compute such an induced dipole moment using chiral perturbation theory and we show that CP-odd effects grow very rapidly with temperature. We also compute the anomalous CP-odd vacuum birefringence and its effect on linearly polarized photons propagating inside a Fabry-Perot cavity.

Primary author

Mr Raffaele Millo (University of Trento)


Prof. Pietro Faccioli (University of Trento)

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