10–14 Oct 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

The New g-2 and Muon EDM experiment at Fermilab

14 Oct 2010, 14:50
Main Auditorium (WHGA/001) (PSI)

Main Auditorium (WHGA/001)


CH-5232 Villigen PSI
Oral Precision experiments with pions and muons Session Th - 3


Prof. David Hertzog (University of Washington)


The Brookhaven E821 experiment measured the muon's anomalous magnetic moment to a precision of 0.54 ppm. At this time, the standard model prediction is known to similar precision. When experiment and theory are compared, the difference exceeds 3 standard deviations in significance. What is this telling us? I will review the current status, the more popular interpretations, and most importantly, describe the effort of a new collaboration aiming to improve the experimental precision by more than a factor of 4. The new experiment will use the E821 storage ring, relocated to Fermilab, where the suite of beams and rings there offer a very attractive environment such that 20 times the statistics can be obtained in about 1 year of running. In addition to the g-2 measurement, a parasitic muon EDM test will be made, with the aim of up to 100 times improvement compared to E821.

Primary author

Prof. David Hertzog (University of Washington)

Presentation materials