Alexander Frank
(FLNP JINR, Dubna, Russia)
13/10/2010, 09:30
Fundamental physics with cold and ultracold neutrons
It was found theoretically almost 30 years ago that the wave number and frequency change when the wave passes through an accelerating sample of a refractive medium. K. Tanaka [1] was the first to show it for the case of light optics. Later the same result was obtained for neutron waves [2-4]. More generally, a refractive index may be introduced for waves of any nature and the only requirement...
Vladimir Voronin
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
13/10/2010, 09:50
Searches for new forces
The crystal-diffraction experiment to test a weak equivalence principle for the neutron will be discussed. It is based on an essential magnification of an external affect on neutron diffracting by Laue for the Bragg angles close to right one. Factor of diffraction enhancement for the neutron trajectory "curvature" due to external field can reach magnitude about ~(10^8 - 10^9) in comparison...
Anatolii Serebrov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
13/10/2010, 10:10
Searches for new forces
The possibility of using a trap with ultracold neutrons as a detector of dark matter particles with long-range forces is considered. The basic advantage of the proposed method lies in possibility of detecting the recoil energy 10-7 eV. The restrictions on parameters of Yukawa type interaction potential between dark matter particles and a neutron are presented for different dark matter...