Michael Tarbutt
(Imperial College London)
12/10/2010, 17:00
Certain polar molecules can be used to measure the electron's electric dipole moment (edm) to high precision. In our electron edm measurement at Imperial College London, we currently use a beam of YbF molecules derived from a supersonic source. We are developing a new source of cold YbF molecules based on cryogenic buffer gas cooling. The molecules are created by laser ablation inside a...
Gerd Petzoldt
(Center for Particle Physics with Neutrons - Technische Universität München)
12/10/2010, 17:00
We present a concept for a polarized UCN physics beam position at the FRM-2. The use of a superconducting magnet with an adiabatic fast passage (AFP) spin flipper at the field maximum allows free tuning of the UCN energy spectrum. Based on work by Alefeld et al.[1] and Weinfurter et al.[2], we use the level splitting in a magnetic field of |2mB| and add a spin flip in the center of the...
Veronique De Leebeeck
(IKS, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
12/10/2010, 17:00
In the Standard Model the Hamiltonian of the weak interaction consists of a vector and a axial-vector part, but in the most general Lorentz-invariant form of this Hamiltonian a tensor and a scalar part are in principle possible. In beta decay these are searched for by precise determinations of the corrected Ft values of superallowed Fermi transitions and precision measurements of correlations...
Albert Young
12/10/2010, 17:00
Antoine Weis
(Department of Physics, University of Fribourg), Dr
Malgorzata Kasprzak
(Department of Physics, University of Fribourg), Dr
Paul Knowles
(Department of Physics, University of Fribourg)
12/10/2010, 17:00
Laser optically-pumped Cs magnetometers (OPMs) have a sensitivity which rivals that of the SQUID, without requiring cryogenic infrastructure. Advances in size reduction, digital signal processing, and single-to-multi laser beam splitting methods have made it possible to assemble arrays of Cs magnetometers. We have successfully operated a 25 sensor array for biomagnetic measurements [1], and...
alexander mtchedlishvili
12/10/2010, 17:00
The precise measurement and control of magnetic fields and magnetic
field fluctuations is an important step for experiments searching for
a permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of the neutron, and is one of
the main factors limiting the accuracy. In a project approved by
Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), a neutron EDM spectrometer is proposed.
For this experiment, together with...
Christoph Goesselsberger
(Vienna University of Technology, Atominstitut)
12/10/2010, 17:00
The PERC (Proton Electron Radiation Channel) project searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics via the beta-decay of free neutrons. The demand of precisely defined initial parameters for the neutron beam, i.e. wavelength, pulse width and degree of polarisation is achieved by using both a velocity selector and a neutron chopper in the “standard” set-up [1]. The use...
Emil Traykov
(IKS, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
12/10/2010, 17:00
Nuclear beta decay experiments for precision studies of the weak interactions are searching for new types of interactions, such as scalar and tensor components of the weak currents. The beta-neutrino correlation, the beta-asymmetry parameter, and the ft-values of the superallowed pure Fermi transitions have high sensitivity for scalar and/or tensor contributions [Sev2006]. A significant...
Yasushi Arimoto
12/10/2010, 17:00
It is proposed to construct ultra-cold neutron (UCN) source and to perform an experimental search of neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) at J-PARC in Japan. One of key technique in the proposal is time focusing of UCN beam with so-called "rebuncher"s. In the rebuncher, fast UCNs in a bunch are decelerated and slow ones are accelerated by using a rf spin flipper and a fixed-field-gradient...
Akihiro Yoshimi
12/10/2010, 17:00
We have been investigating the frequency stability of the low-frequency nuclear spin maser with 129Xe aiming at EDM (permanent Electric Dipole Moment) experiment. One of the main sources of this frequency instability comes from the field fluctuation of the applied static field B0. The present stability 30 nG of the applied field B0=30 mG in a time scale of 10^4 s should be
suppressed by use...
German Kulin
(FLNP, JINR, Dubna, Russia)
12/10/2010, 17:00
We performed a gravity quantum experiment for the test of weak equivalence principle for free neutron. The gain in kinetic energy of free falling neutrons was is compensated by a quantum of energy \hbar \Omega, due to the phase modulation of the neutron wave. As phase modulator a grating was used moving perpendicular with respect to the direction of the neutron wave propagation. The neutron...
Gergelj Soti
(Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium)
12/10/2010, 17:00
Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model
The precise measurement of the beta-asymmetry parameter is a sensitive tool to search for tensor type currents in the weak interaction. Our group uses the technique of Low Temperature Nuclear Orientation and several particle detectors to observe the emission anisotropies. The precision we aim for requires a thorough study of all the effects that modify the observed emission pattern of the...
Leonard goeltl
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
12/10/2010, 17:00
The ultra-cold neutron (UCN) source at the Paul Scherrer Intstitute uses the full 1.3 MW proton beam on a spallation targetin a heavy water moderation system including a deuterium crystal at a temperature of about 6 K as cold source and converter. The produced UCN will be confined in a storage volume and can be distributed to the experiments via 7-10 m long UCN guides.
We here report on...
Aldo Antognini
(ETH - Zurich)
12/10/2010, 17:00
for the CREMA collaboration
In order to shed some light on the observed proton radius discrepancy we plan to measure several 2S-2P transitions in muonic helium ions (mu4He+ a nd mu3He+). The aim of this measurement is three-fold: first it will verify the correctness of the muHe+ Lamb shifts prediction (using the nuclear radii from electron scattering). This will serve as validation of...
Vladimir Ryabov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute RAS)
12/10/2010, 17:00
Today's strong permanent magnets offer unique possibilities to develop novel magnetic structures. Practically any imaginable magnetic field configuration can be realized with them. As an example the magnetic structure type of two dimensional potential well was be realized to study quantum effects in magnetic and magneto-gravitational traps. Macroscopic quantum effects under neutron moving in...
Joe Smallman
12/10/2010, 17:00
It is well known that the existence of an electron electric dipole moment (eEDM) would violate time reversal symmetry. The Standard Model predicts an eEDM less than $10^{-40}\mathrm{\,e\,cm}$, however many popular extensions predict values in the range $10^{-29}-10^{-27}\mathrm{\,e\,cm}$. Our experiment currently has the potential to measure eEDMs down to approximately...
Wolfgang Schott
(Physik-Department der TUM E18, D-85748 Garching)
12/10/2010, 17:00
S.Paul[1], M.Berger[1], R.Emmerich[1], R.Engels[2], .Faestermann[1],P.Fierlinger[3], M. Gabriel[1], F.J.Hartmann[1], R.Hertenberger[4], A.Röhrmoser[5], J.Schön[1], W.Schott[1],U.Schubert[1], A.Trautner[1],T.Udem[6]
1 Physik-Department,TUM,85748 Garching,Germany
2 Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 52425 Jülich, Germany 3Excellence Cluster Universe, TUM, 85748 Garching,...
Stanislaw Kistryn
(Jagiellonian University)
12/10/2010, 17:00
A basic step towards a full understanding of nuclear interaction is a proper modeling of all details of the few-nucleon system dynamics. Systems composed of three nucleons (3N) are the simplest non-trivial environment to explore details of the nucleon-nucleon (NN) potential models and to investigate limits of a just two-nucleon based description of the interaction dynamics. In particular, data...
Karol Kampf
(Lund University)
12/10/2010, 17:00
In my talk I would like to focus on light unflavoured pseudoscalar mesons.
Mainly I want to discuss the properties of pi0 and its decay modes.
In fact the decay modes of pi0 were subjects of many experiments in the past (including e.g. SINDRUM col. at PSI), present (e.g. KTeV, or PrimEx at JLab) or future (NA62 at CERN).
Experiments have reached (or plan to reach) a level of precision...
Oleg Zherebtsov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
12/10/2010, 17:00
A method of using a gravitational UCN spectrometer to search for long-range forces between neutrons and atoms is proposed. The constraints on the strength of long range forces within the range of 10^-10 - 10^-4 cm were obtained from the experiments on measurements of the total cross section of interaction of UCN with atoms of the noble gases and the data on the coherent neutron scattering...
Yury Sobolev
(Institut fuer Physik, Johannes-Gutenberg Universitaet, Mainz)
12/10/2010, 17:00
A very sensitive low-field magnetometer based on the detection of free spin precession of gaseous, nuclear polarized 3He or 129Xe samples with a SQUID as magnetic flux detector is used to search for short-range spin-dependent interactions. The magnetic field dependence ( Zeeman-term) can be eliminated using co-located 3He/129Xe spin samples and measuring the weighted difference of their...
Raffaele Millo
(University of Trento)
12/10/2010, 17:00
Strong CP-violation implies that a vacuum permeated by electromagnetic fields develops an anomalous electric dipole moment, parallel to the external magnetic field. We compute such an induced dipole moment using chiral perturbation theory and we show that CP-odd effects grow very rapidly with temperature. We also compute the anomalous CP-odd vacuum birefringence and its effect on linearly...
Xiangzun Wang
(TU Wien, Atom Institute)
12/10/2010, 17:00
We address a number of questions which are at the forefront of particle physics, with main emphasis on the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model of particles physics, and in particular, on the question of unification of all forces shortly after the Big Bang. This grand unification is not part of the Standard Model, and new symmetry concepts are needed like left-right symmetry,...
Geza Zsigmond
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
12/10/2010, 17:00
G. Zsigmond for the nEDM collaboration
Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI
The nEDM experiment at PSI is the flagship project at the new ultracold neutron (UCN) source at PSI which is in the commissioning phase. Estimations of systematic effects for the determination of the neutron EDM are an important part of this project. Experimental studies are accompanied by Monte Carlo...
Guillaume Pignol
(LPSC Grenoble)
12/10/2010, 17:00
The concept of symmetry plays a central role in our current understanding of physics at its most fundamental level.
The invariance of physical laws under rotation symmetry is perhaps the most basic example, and for such it is worthwhile to test its validity with high accuracy.
Deviation from rotation symmetry would reveal features of the new physics at very high energy scale, such as the...
Andreas Knecht
(University of Washington)
12/10/2010, 17:00
Studies of nuclear beta decay have a long standing history in testing the Standard Model of particle physics. With the dominant (V-A) structure of the weak interaction determined, measurements of the angular correlation between the electron and neutrino momenta in nuclear beta decay can be used to search for scalar and tensor contributions to the weak interaction.
The current best...
thomas lefort
(University of Caen)
12/10/2010, 17:00
Advanced detector technologies
Precision experiments at the high intensity UCN sources of new generation either planned or under construction around the world, call for the development of new UCN detectors with higher counting rate capabilities. In this context, several studies including solid state semiconductors, gas detectors as well as scintillator detectors, have recently been reported [1-4]. For the nEDM experiment at...