Harry van der Graaf van der Graaf
14/10/2010, 11:00
The GridPix detector is a Time Projection Chamber with a pixelized readout anode.
With a drift gap of 1 mm, the gas layer functions as the Si sensor of a Si pixel or Si strip detector.
With a drift gap of 20 mm, GridPix can accurately reconstruct the path of, and
measure the energy of photo- and Compton electrons associated with photon absorption. With this information, the polarization of...
Robert Bernstein Bernstein
14/10/2010, 11:30
Searches for symmetry violations
Mu2e will search for coherent, neutrino-less conversion of muons into electrons in the field of a nucleus, witha sensitivity improvement of a factor of 10,000 over existing limits.
Such a lepton flavor-violating reaction probes new physics at a scale
unavailable by direct searches at either present or planned high energy
colliders. The physics motivation for Mu2e will be presented, as...
David Taqqu
(Swiss federal institute of technology, Zurich)
14/10/2010, 12:00
Advanced muon sources
A new pathway for the achievement of a pulsed slow muon beam by the muonium ionization method is proposed. It uses a thin superfluid helium target in which the stopped muons are pulled towards the liquid vapor interface where they form muonium atoms in the bubble state. As they reach the interface they are emitted and slow down in a vapor layer from which they exit at low velocity and low...
Andre Schoening
(University Heidelberg, Institute of Physiscs)
14/10/2010, 12:20
Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model
Design studies for an experiment searching for the lepton flavour
violating decay mu to 3e are presented. The detector concept is
based on thin layers of silicon sensors with fast readout.
The aim is to reach an experimental sensitivity of 1e-16 for
this process, which is an improvement by factor 10000 compared to
the existing limit.
I. B. Khriplovich
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia)
14/10/2010, 12:40
Searches for symmetry violations
We demonstrate that, at least at present, there is no convincing way to
detect CP-violation in heavy-ion collisions.