12:30 PM
Investigating the Fate of Plutonium: Speciation of Plutonium during Diffusion in Opalinus Clay
Daniel Grolimund
(Paul Scherrer Institute, Swiss Light Source)
12:30 PM
State of chromium in chromia doped uranium dioxide fuels
Cyprian Mieszczynski
(LNM, Paul Scherrer Institute)
12:30 PM
Confined Electrolytes at the Nanoscale: an X-ray Reflectivity Study
Simone Liuzzi
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
12:30 PM
Single Domain Spin Manipulation by Electric Fields in Strain Coupled Artificial Multiferroic Nanostructures
Michele Buzzi
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
12:30 PM
Three-dimensional Percolation Properties Simulation of a Barrier Marine Coating Based on Its Real Structure from Ptychographic X-ray Tomography
Bo Chen
(London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London)
12:30 PM
Probing active sites of Pt/CeO2 CO preferential oxidation catalysts using time-resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy.
Rene Kopelent
12:30 PM
Investigation of Ferromagnetic Semiconductors through Depth Resolved Spin Resonance Techniques
Sarah Dunsiger
(Technical University of Munich)
12:30 PM
High-temperature precipitate microstructure and misfit in Inconel-type superalloy
Pavel Strunz
(Nuclear Physics Institute, CZ-25068 Rez near Prague)
12:30 PM
In-situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy to study the precipitation of CaCO3
Sonia Pin
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
12:30 PM
Damage in cement-based materials by the Alkali-Aggregate Reaction: detection and characterization by X-ray Tomographic Microscopy
Michele Griffa
(EMPA, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology)
12:30 PM
Surface and Bulk Rashba Splittings In Noncentrosymmetric BiTeI
Gabriel Landolt
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
12:30 PM
Dynamic stabilization of nonequilibrium domain configurations in magnetic squares
Stephanie Stevenson
(Paul Scerrer Institut)
12:30 PM
Investigation of Exchange Coupled Composites with Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy
Phillip Wohlhüter
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
12:30 PM
Magnetic excitations in the Ising-chain material RbCoCl3
Eva Hirtenlechner
(Institut Laue Langevin, BP 156, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France, Laboratory for Neutron Scattering, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland)
12:30 PM
Low temperature magnetic structure and lattice anomalies at the commensurate-incommensurate transition of multiferroic
Mickael Morin
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
12:30 PM
Angle-resolved photoemission study of Fe-based high temperature superconductors
R. S. Dhaka
(Division of Materials Science and Engineering, The Ames Laboratory, US DOE and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA; Present Address: Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland)
12:30 PM
Imaging the induced magnetic moment in spin-bearing molecules by means of X-ray Photo-Emission Electron Microscopy
Jan Girovsky
(Laboratory for Micro and Nanotechnology, Paul Scherer Institute)
12:30 PM
Sulfidation Kinetics of Silver Nanoparticles
Basilius Thalmann
12:30 PM
Recombination dynamics of hemoproteins in physiological media investigated by picosecond X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Mahsa Silatani
12:30 PM
Probing correlated electron systems on the femtosecond timescale at SwissFEL's Experimental Station B
Gerhard Ingold
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
12:30 PM
Highly time- and size-resolved measurements of trace elements in London during ClearfLo
Suzanne Visser
12:30 PM
In situ Materials Science with X-ray Ptychography
Jostein Bø Fløystad
(Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
12:30 PM
Ozonolysis of individual shikimic acid particles studied with in situ STXM/NEXAFS
Sarah Steimer
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
12:30 PM
Ground state ordering of artificial spin ice
Alan Farhan
12:30 PM
Sulfur Poisoning and On-Stream Regeneration of a Ru/C Catalyst for Hydrothermal Biomass Reforming
Marian Dreher
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
12:30 PM
Switching of magnetic domains reveals evidence for spatially inhomogeneous superconductivity
Simon Gerber
(Laboratory for Neutron Scattering, Paul Scherrer Institut)
12:30 PM
Spreading and absorption of impinging droplet on porous stones
Dominique Derome
12:30 PM
Dynamics of Aqueous Ferrocyanide Solvent Interaction Revealed by High Repetition Rate Laser Pump / X-ray Probe Technique
Jochen Rittmann
12:30 PM
Looking inside iron ore pellets
Boehm Andreas
(Montanuniversitaet Leoben, mineral processing)
12:30 PM
In-situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy to study the Structure of Hydrothermal Aqueous Sulfate Solutions
Joachim Reimer
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
Sonia Pin
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
12:30 PM
Microscopic indicator for thermodynamic stability of hydrogen storage materials provided by muon-spin spectroscopy
Martin Mansson
(Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism (LQM), EPF Lausanne)
12:30 PM
Selenium speciation in a spent UO2 fuel and in non-irradiated UO2 reference samples: a synchrotron-based (micro-)XRF / -XAS feasibility study
Annick Froideval Zumbiehl
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
12:30 PM
Size-dependent magnetization curves of individual iron nanoparticles at finite temperatures
Ana Maria Balan
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
12:30 PM
Liquid-jet XPS study on the air-aqueous interfacial composition of mixed sodium bromide/citric acid solutions
Ming-Tao Lee