Fundamental Physics at J-PARC

10 Sept 2013, 14:30
Oral Advanced muon and ultracold neutron sources Tu - 3


Dr Satoshi Mihara (KEK)


Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) is the high intensity proton driver for particle, nuclear physics as well as material and life science, built in Tokai, Japan . The facility has been in operation since 2008 and in the process of achieving its design power of about 1 MW. We are exploring the flavor physics with neutrino, kaon, and muon beams, as well as the hadron physics with primary and secondary beams. In this talk, the current status of the facility, including recovery from the recent accident in our hadron facility, and results of fundamental physics are presented. In addition, the newly starting projects such as mu-e conversion experiment, COMET and muon g-2/EDM measurements are described.

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