331 / 331
Hartmut Abele
- Author in High Precision Experiments with Cold and Ultra-Cold Neutrons
- Co-author in Novel Detection System for Electron and Proton Momentum Spectroscopy with PERC
- Co-author in Preparing a Measurement of the Charge of the free Neutron within qBounce
- Co-author in qBounce: Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy to test Dark Energy and Dark Matter models
- Co-author in Ultracold neutron detectors based on Boron-10 converters used in the qBounce experiments
- R. Alarcon
- Fabian Allmendinger
- Scharth Anja
- Aldo Antognini
- Takatoshi Aoki
- Masaharu Aoki
- Koichiro Asahi
- Shoji Asai
- ATLAS Collaboration ATLAS Collaboration
- Martin Babutzka
- Stefan Baeßler
- Yelena Bagdasarova
- Matthew Bahr
- Yu Bao
- L. Bartoszek
Marcus Beck
- Author in Status of the aSPECT experiment
- Co-author in A new source for ultracold neutrons at TRIGA Mainz: latest results
- Co-author in Background investigations on the neutron β-decay spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Digital pulse processing of proton detector signals for the spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Investigation of systematic uncertainties of the aSPECT experiment
- Co-author in Investigation of the work function fluctuations for high precision experiments
- Douglas Beck
- Christopher Bidinosti
Thierry Bigault
- Co-author in Neutron Polarimetry On the 10^-4 Level
- Jim Birchall
- Fred Blanc
Klaus Blaum Blaum
- Author in Precision Penning-trap mass measurements and fundamental constants
- Co-author in A new mass of the electron
- Kazimierz Bodek
- Oliver Boell
Peter Böni
- Co-author in Neutron Polarimetry On the 10^-4 Level
- Martin Breitenfeldt
- Daniel Brose
- Leah Broussard
Jérémie Chastagnier
- Co-author in Neutron Polarimetry On the 10^-4 Level
- Anton Chechkin
- Masatoshi Chikamori
- P.-H Chu
- Tim Chupp
- Steven Clayton
- Robert Cooper
- Amy Cottle
Christopher Crawford
- Author in New Results from the NPDGamma Parity Violation Experiment at the Spallation Neutron Source
- Author in Precision Magnetic Fields for Fundamental Neutron Symmetries
- Co-author in Development of a systematic studies apparatus at North Carolina State University for the nEDM collaboration
- Co-author in High electric field development for the SNS nEDM experiment
- Paolo Crivelli
- Gunther Cronenberg
- Scott Currie
Andrzej Czarnecki
- Author in Fundamental physics with muons
- Charles Davis
- Remy Dawson
- Konrad Deiters
- Maynard Dewey
- Jorge S Diaz
D. Dieter Grzonka
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
- Elwin A. Dijck
- R. Dipert
J. DiSciacca
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
- Fleurette Doresty
- Christian Düsing
- Klaus Eberhardt
- Andreas Eggenberger
Jacqueline Erhart
- Co-author in Background investigations on the neutron β-decay spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Digital pulse processing of proton detector signals for the spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Investigation of systematic uncertainties of the aSPECT experiment
- Co-author in Novel Detection System for Electron and Proton Momentum Spectroscopy with PERC
- Dieter Eversheim
- W.R. Falk
- Valery Fedorov
- Martin Fertl
- brad filippone
- Hanno Filter
- Paul Finlay
D. W. Fitzakerley
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
- Xavier Flechard
- Alexey Fomin
- Alexander Frank
- Makoto Fujiwara
- Takeshi Fukuyama
- Takeshi Furukawa
- G. Gabrielse
- H. Gao
- Andrei Gaponenko
- Alejandro Garcia
Peter Geltenbort
- Author in Neutron Lifetime Measurement by storing ultracold neutrons and simultaneously measuring inelastically scattered neutrons
- Co-author in Preparing a Measurement of the Charge of the free Neutron within qBounce
- Co-author in qBounce: Gravity Resonance Spectroscopy to test Dark Energy and Dark Matter models
M.C. George
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
- Michael Gericke
Lawrence Gibbons
- Author in The Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab
David Gilliam
- Co-author in Improved Determination of the Neutron Lifetime
- Ferenc Glück
- R. Golub
- Kyle Grammer
- Geoffrey Greene
- William Griffith
- Zoran Grujic
Mathieu Guigue
- Author in Probing sub-eV particles with 3He
Pilar Guimera-Millàn
- Co-author in Neutron Polarimetry On the 10^-4 Level
- D. Haase
Richard Hall-Wilton
- Co-author in The Fundamental Physics beamline @ ESS
- Gabriele Hampel
- Michael Hardiman
- A. Hawari
Werner Heil
- Author in Limit on Lorentz and CPT Violation of the Bound Neutron Using a Free Precession 3He/129Xe Co-magnetometer
- Co-author in A new source for ultracold neutrons at TRIGA Mainz: latest results
- Co-author in An absolute, high-precision 3He / Cs combined magnetometer
- Co-author in Background investigations on the neutron β-decay spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Digital pulse processing of proton detector signals for the spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Investigation of systematic uncertainties of the aSPECT experiment
- Co-author in Investigation of the work function fluctuations for high precision experiments
- Co-author in Search for axion like pseudo scalar spin interaction with a 3He-129Xe clock comparison experiment.
- Co-author in Status of the aSPECT experiment
- Victor HELAINE
E. Hessels
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
Arno Hiess
- Co-author in The Fundamental Physics beamline @ ESS
- Eri Hikota
- Steven Hoekstra
Adam Holley
- Author in Parity-odd Neutron Spin Rotation
- Ran Hong
- P. Huffman
- Yuichi Ichikawa
- Toshitaka Idehara
- Jun Imazato
- Stuart Ingleby
- Takashi Ino
- Takeshi Inoue
- Takeyasu Ito
- Serguei Ivanov
- Sergey Ivanov
- Blair Jamieson
- Tobias Jenke
N Jones
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
- Mammei Juliette
David Jullien
- Co-author in Neutron Polarimetry On the 10^-4 Level
- Klaus Jungmann
R. Kalra
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
Peter Kammel Kammel
- Author in Muon Capture: Status and Prospects
- Sohtaro Kanda
- Daisuke Kaneko
- Jan Peter Karch
- Sergej Karpuk (Institut für Physik)
- Sergei Karpuk
- Malgorzata Kasprzak
- Ryo Katayama
- Jiro Kawada
- Naritoshi Kawamura
- Peter-Raymond Kettle
- Arcady Kharitonov
- Kim Siang Khaw
- Iosif Khriplovich
- Robin Kieser
- Klaus Kirch
Christine Klauser
- Author in Neutron Polarimetry On the 10^-4 Level
- Co-author in Background investigations on the neutron β-decay spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Digital pulse processing of proton detector signals for the spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Investigation of systematic uncertainties of the aSPECT experiment
- Co-author in The Fundamental Physics beamline @ ESS
- Michael Klopf
Michael Klopf
- Co-author in Status of the aSPECT experiment
- Andreas Knecht
- Andreas Knecht
- Paul Knowles
- Tomio Kobayashi
- Hans-Christian Koch
- Ulli Koester
Florian Köhler
- Author in A new mass of the electron
- Akira Konaka
Gertrud Konrad
- Co-author in Background investigations on the neutron β-decay spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Digital pulse processing of proton detector signals for the spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Investigation of the work function fluctuations for high precision experiments
- Co-author in Status of the aSPECT experiment
- Gertrud Konrad
- Elie Korkmaz
- E. Korobkina
- W. Korsch
- Adam Kozela
- Naofumi Kuroda
- Igor Kuznetsov
- m: Lang
Alexander Laptev
- Co-author in Improved Determination of the Neutron Lifetime
- Cristina Lazzeroni
- Larry Lee
- Ralf Lehnert
- Kent Leung
- Etienne Lienard
- Konrad Lojek
Bernd Lorentz
- Co-author in Test of Time-Reversal Invariance at COSY (TRIC)
Romain Maisonobe
- Author in Background investigations on the neutron β-decay spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Digital pulse processing of proton detector signals for the spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Investigation of systematic uncertainties of the aSPECT experiment
- Co-author in Status of the aSPECT experiment
- Co-author in The Fundamental Physics beamline @ ESS
- Stephan Malburnot-Ettenauer
K. Marable
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
Laura Elisa Marcucci
- Co-author in Theoretical study of muon capture in light nuclei
- Bastian Märkisch
M. Marshall
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
- Jeffery Martin
- florian Martin
- Johann Marton
- Yasuhiro Masuda
- Yukari Matsuo
- Tsutomu Mibe
Satoshi Mihara
- Author in Fundamental Physics at J-PARC
- Eric Miller
- Andy Miller
- Kevin Mitsch
- Yasuhiro Miyake
- Hirokazu Miyatake
- Akira Miyazaki
- Amita Mohanty
- Takamasa Momose
- Benjamin Monreal
Christopher Morris
- Author in Cosmic Ray Radiography
- Peter Mueller
- Jonathan Mulholland
A. Müllers
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
- Michael Murray
- Daniel Murtagh
Yuri Musienko
- Author in SiPM - status and propects.
- Yugo Nagata
- Toshio Namba
- Tsubasa Nanao
- Oscar Naviliat-Cuncic
- Francis Newson (University of Birmingham, UK)
Jeffrey Nico
- Co-author in Improved Determination of the Neutron Lifetime
- Miki Nishimura
Toshio Numao
- Author in Rare pion and kaon decays
- Nunez Portela Nunez Portela
W. Oelert
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
- Isamu Ogawa
- Yuichi Ohtomo
- Gerco (C.J.G.) Onderwater
- Allena Opper
- Ernst-Wilhelm Otten
- Krzysztof Pachucki
- Shelley Page
- Angela Papa
- Prashanth Pataguppi
Ivan Peric
- Author in HV CMOS Technology
- Ruediger Picker
- Florian Piegsa
- Edgard Pierre
Randolf Pohl
- Author in Laser spectroscopy of muonic atoms
- Tomica Porobic
- Joerg Pretz
- Giovanni Marco Pruna
Wolfgang Quint
- Co-author in A new mass of the electron
- Collaboration Qweak
- Desmond Ramsay
- John Ramsey
- Thomas Rauber
Nataliya Rebrova
- Co-author in Neutron Polarimetry On the 10^-4 Level
- Davide Reggiani
- Tobias Reich
- A. Reid
- Dieter Ries
- Andreas Ringwald
- Stefan Ritt
Adam Ritz
- Author in Probing CP violation with EDMs
- Amy Roberts
- Tilman Rohe
- Felix Rosenau
Damien Roulier
- Author in The GRANIT experiment
- Dagmara Rozpedzik
- Alexander Rudenko
- Mammei Russel
- Naohito Saito
- Yu Sakamoto
- Yasuhiro Sakemi
- Tomoya Sato
Ben Sauer
- Author in The electron EDM from polar molecules
- Heiko Saul
- Alexander Saunders
- Sophie S. Schlesser
- Riccardo Schmid
Christian Schmidt
- Author in Investigation of the work function fluctuations for high precision experiments
- Co-author in Background investigations on the neutron β-decay spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Digital pulse processing of proton detector signals for the spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Investigation of systematic uncertainties of the aSPECT experiment
- Co-author in Status of the aSPECT experiment
- Ulrich Schmidt
Martin Schneider
- Co-author in Neutron Polarimetry On the 10^-4 Level
Andre Schoening
- Author in The Mu3e Experiment at PSI
- Kerstin Schönung
- Manuel Schwarz
T. Sefzick
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
- George Seidel
- Mike Seidel
- Yoshichika SEKI
- Anatoly Serebrov
- Nathal Severijns
- Koichiro Shimomura
- Yunchang Shin
- Christian Siemensen
- Adrian Signer
Martin Simson
- Author in Latest results from the superfluid-helium UCNs source SUN2 at ILL
- Co-author in Background investigations on the neutron β-decay spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Digital pulse processing of proton detector signals for the spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in HOPE – a magnetic UCN trap to measure the neutron lifetime
- Co-author in Investigation of systematic uncertainties of the aSPECT experiment
- Co-author in Status of the aSPECT experiment
Mike Snow
- Co-author in Improved Determination of the Neutron Lifetime
- Yury Sobolev
Torsten Soldner
- Co-author in Investigation of systematic uncertainties of the aSPECT experiment
- Co-author in Neutron Polarimetry On the 10^-4 Level
Torsten Soldner
- Co-author in Background investigations on the neutron β-decay spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Digital pulse processing of proton detector signals for the spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Status of the aSPECT experiment
- Co-author in The Fundamental Physics beamline @ ESS
- Gergelj Soti
- Derek Storm
C.H. Storry
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
Sven Sturm
- Co-author in A new mass of the electron
- Taikan Suehara
- Takahiro Suzuki
- Kunifumi Suzuki
- C. Swank
- Erik Swanson
- Vadim Talanov
- David Taqqu
E. Tardiff
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
- Yoshinori Tatematsu
- Martin Thalhammer
- Martin Thalhammer
Camille Theroine
- Author in The Fundamental Physics beamline @ ESS
- Rob (R.G.E.) Timmermans
- Ian Towner
- Norbert Trautmann
Robert Tschirhart
- Author in Project X
- Masato Tsuchiya
- Kathlynne Tullney
- Hideki Ueno
- Stefan Ulmer
Yury Valdau
- Co-author in Test of Time-Reversal Invariance at COSY (TRIC)
- Simon Van Gorp
- Willem van Oers
- Vladimir Varlamov
- Romain Virot
- Michele Viviani
- Cecilia Voena
- Vladimir Voronin
Anke Wagner
- Co-author in A new mass of the electron
- Daniel Wagner
J. Walz
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
- Xiangzun Wang
- Frederik Wauters
- Frederik Wauters
M. Weel
- Co-author in Antiproton and Antihydrogen Studies at ATRAP
- Antoine Weis
Günter Werth
- Co-author in A new mass of the electron
- Gunther Wichmann
Fred Wietfeldt
- Co-author in Improved Determination of the Neutron Lifetime
- Steven Williamson
- Lorenz Willmann
- Hans (H.W.) Wilschut
- Michael Wohlmuther
Alexander Wunderle
- Author in Investigation of systematic uncertainties of the aSPECT experiment
- Co-author in Background investigations on the neutron β-decay spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Digital pulse processing of proton detector signals for the spectrometer aSPECT
- Co-author in Investigation of the work function fluctuations for high precision experiments
- Co-author in Status of the aSPECT experiment
- Takayuki Yamazaki
- Weijun Yao
- Akihiro Yoshimi
- Albert Young
Andrew Yue
- Co-author in Improved Determination of the Neutron Lifetime
- Dalibor Zakoucky
- Y. Zhang
Oliver Zimmer
- Author in Latest results from the superfluid-helium UCNs source SUN2 at ILL
- Author in Ultracold neutrons from superfluid helium for a neutron lifetime experiment at ILL
- Co-author in HOPE – a magnetic UCN trap to measure the neutron lifetime
- Co-author in Investigation of systematic uncertainties of the aSPECT experiment
- Co-author in Status of the aSPECT experiment
Geza Zsigmond
- Author in MC simulations for RT-nEDM systematics
- David Zumwalt