Giovanni Marco Pruna
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
We consider the impact of a CP-violating Two-Higgs-Doublet Model Type-II on the proton radius puzzle and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. We show that a light scalar with a certain amount of CP-violation produces an energy shift that alleviates the observed $7-\sigma$ discrepancy in the muonic Lamb Shift $\Delta{E_{(2S-2P)}}$. Moreover, such a scalar contributes to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. We show that in a remarkable region of the parameter space the presence of the aforementioned scalar alleviates both discrepancies down to $1-\sigma$. Thereafter, we discuss constraints on the parameter space coming from high and low energy particle physics experiments, i.e. precision tests at LEP, $B$-physics, Electric Dipole Moment of the electron. Finally, we discuss the limits of our approach in the context of atomic physics.
Primary author
Giovanni Marco Pruna
(Paul Scherrer Institut)