A CP-violating Two-Higgs-Doublet Model and the Proton Radius Problem

Not scheduled
Poster Fundamental physics with e, mu, pi, n, pbar, nuclei, atoms


Dr Giovanni Marco Pruna (Paul Scherrer Institut)


We consider the impact of a CP-violating Two-Higgs-Doublet Model Type-II on the proton radius puzzle and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. We show that a light scalar with a certain amount of CP-violation produces an energy shift that alleviates the observed $7-\sigma$ discrepancy in the muonic Lamb Shift $\Delta{E_{(2S-2P)}}$. Moreover, such a scalar contributes to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. We show that in a remarkable region of the parameter space the presence of the aforementioned scalar alleviates both discrepancies down to $1-\sigma$. Thereafter, we discuss constraints on the parameter space coming from high and low energy particle physics experiments, i.e. precision tests at LEP, $B$-physics, Electric Dipole Moment of the electron. Finally, we discuss the limits of our approach in the context of atomic physics.

Primary author

Dr Giovanni Marco Pruna (Paul Scherrer Institut)


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