Stuart Ingleby
(Sussex University)
The CryoEDM experiment will carry out a precision measurement of
the neutron electric dipole moment (EDM) at the ILL reactor facility
in Grenoble. Neutron EDM is a parameter sensitive to a wide range
of BSM theories addressing CP symmetry in the strong sector. EDM
measurement on ultra-cold neutrons (UCN) is conditional on
stringent magnetic field conditions, which present a range of
hardware challenges, to be met in this case within a superthermal
UCN source and Ramsey cell operating at a temperature of 0.5 K.
The CryoEDM experiment aims to measure neutron EDM with a
sensitivity better than ~5E-27 ecm and is currently in a
commissioning phase; hardware development and improvements to
the magnetic field environment are discussed.
Primary author
Stuart Ingleby
(Sussex University)