First application of an improved neutron optical force meter

10 Sept 2013, 18:00



Mr Christian Siemensen (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry Mainz) Daniel Brose (University of Mainz)


We aim to probe the electric charge of the free neutron at a level of 10^-22 times the elementary charge. A possible neutron charge is related to the question of electric charge quantisation, which still remains unanswered by the standard model. Therefor, we developped a neutron optical system, based on a similar experiment in the late 80's (Borisov et al. 1987). This new setup is designed to detect forces of approx. 10^-36N. We will test it via gravitational interaction this summer at the ILL, Grenoble, with a 7t movable attractor. We would like to present our first results at the PSI workshop.

Primary author

Daniel Brose (University of Mainz)


Mr Christian Siemensen (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry Mainz)

Presentation materials