Christian Siemensen
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry Mainz)
Daniel Brose
(University of Mainz)
We aim to probe the electric charge of the free neutron at a level of 10^-22 times the elementary charge. A possible neutron charge is related to the question of electric charge quantisation, which still remains unanswered by the standard model. Therefor, we developped a neutron optical system, based on a similar experiment in the late 80's (Borisov et al. 1987). This new setup is designed to detect forces of approx. 10^-36N. We will test it via gravitational interaction this summer at the ILL, Grenoble, with a 7t movable attractor. We would like to present our first results at the PSI workshop.
Primary author
Daniel Brose
(University of Mainz)
Christian Siemensen
(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry Mainz)