Searching for the lepton flavor violating decay mu->egamma with the MEG experiment: results and perspectives

12 Sept 2013, 15:15
Oral Th - 3


Dr Cecilia Voena (INFN Roma)


Charged lepton flavor violating (cLFV) processes are strongly suppressed in the Standard Model, therefore their observation would be a clear indication of New Physics. Most New Physics models predict cLFV at an observable level. The MEG experiment, at the Paul Scherrer Institute, searches for the cLFV mu ->egamma decay, down to a Branching Ratio of a few 10^(-13), exploiting the most intense continuous muon beam in the word. The most recent results from MEG will be presented, together with the plan for an upgrade of the experiment, aiming at an improvement of the sensitivity by one order of magnitude within this decade.

Primary author

Dr Cecilia Voena (INFN Roma)

Presentation materials