PSI Secondary Beam Lines Customized to New Experiments

10 Sept 2013, 18:00


Poster Advanced muon and ultracold neutron sources Poster, BBQ & Drinks


Davide Reggiani (Paul Scherrer Institut) Konrad Deiters (Paul Scherrer Institut)


During the last 2 years we customized the PiE1 and the PiE3 beam lines. The PiE1 beam line is used by the µSR and the particle physics community. The reorganization from one user to another was a time and labor consuming process. We installed an additional bending magnet and additional quadruples. Thus we can now switch within a few days between different users. PiE3 was completely rebuilt to transfer it into a µSR facility for experiments with high magnetic field. This included also the construction of 2 Wien filters. At other beam lines like PiM1 and PiE5 we support a large user community during preparation of new experiments as well as detector tests.

Primary authors

Davide Reggiani (Paul Scherrer Institut) Konrad Deiters (Paul Scherrer Institut) Manuel Schwarz Thomas Rauber (Paul Scherrer Institut)

Presentation materials