Neutron Polarimetry On the 10^-4 Level

10 Sept 2013, 16:45
Oral Tu - 4


Christine Klauser (Institut Laue-Langevin, Atominstitut TU Wien)


Correlation coefficients of the polarized neutron beta decay offer a way to test the standard model by precision measurements. One of the currently leading systematic errors is the neutron polarization. State-of-the-art polarizing super mirrors in the X-SM geometry deliver about 99.7(1)% polarization. We present recent developments in cold neutron polarization, based on the opaque test bench of 3He spin filters: We have shown experimentally that the accuracy of polarization analysis with opaque 3He spin filters is better than 10^-4. By optimizing the operating conditions of supermirrors and selecting the materials, we have achieved a polarization of 99.97(1) % with the X-SM geometry for a divergent 5.3 Å beam (monochromatized by a velocity selector). These results solve the issue of neutron beam polarization for the next generation of neutron beta decay correlation experiments which aim for accuracies of 10^-4.

Primary author

Christine Klauser (Institut Laue-Langevin, Atominstitut TU Wien)


David Jullien (Institut Laue-Langevin) Jérémie Chastagnier (Institut Laue-Langevin) Martin Schneider (SwissNeutronics) Nataliya Rebrova (Universität Heidelberg) Peter Böni (TU München) Pilar Guimera-Millàn (Institut Laue-Langevin) Thierry Bigault (Institut Laue-Langevin) Torsten Soldner (Institut Laue-Langevin)

Presentation materials