David Taqqu
(ETH Zürich)
As presented in another contribution to this workshop an intense low energy positive muon source is being investigated at PSI. With a transverse extension of a a few tenths of a mm and an average energy of 1 eV it should provide after acceleration a precisely timed beam with an ultimate intensity near 10^6 muons/sec. Its application to a precise g-2 experiment makes use of a novel concept where the beam
is injected at around a MeV energy in a very high field solenoid
( > 20 T ) in such a way that it gets fully erected into a spiraling trajectory that advances along the solenoid axis by only a few cm in a microsecond.Silicon drift detectors placed around an inside the spiral measure the angle of emission of the decay electron relative to the muon direction providing a precise determination of the precession frequency.
Primary author
David Taqqu
(ETH Zürich)