An absolute, high-precision 3He / Cs combined magnetometer

10 Sept 2013, 18:00



Mr Hans-Christian Koch (University of Mainz / University of Fribourg)


Many experiments in fundamental science, such as the search for the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) at PSI, Switzerland, demand an accurate measurement and control of an applied magnetic field. Here, we describe a combined 3He-Cs magnetometer for the absolute measurement of a µT magnetic field with a precision of better than 10^-6. The magnetometer detects the weak oscillating magnetic field produced by the precession of nuclear spin-polarized 3He atoms with phase-feedback driven Cs magnetometers. We will report on measurements in the magnetically shielded room of PTB, Berlin, investigating the performance and intrinsic sensitivity of the combined device.

Primary author

Mr Hans-Christian Koch (University of Mainz / University of Fribourg)


Prof. Antoine Weis (University of Fribourg) Prof. Werner Heil (Institute of Physics)

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