Development of a novel muon beam line for next generation precision experiments

10 Sept 2013, 18:00



Mr Kim Siang Khaw (ETH Zurich)


Several next generation precision measurements like muonium (Mu=$\mu^{+}e^{-}$) spectroscopy, (g-2)$_{\mu}$, searches for $\textrm{Mu}$-$\overline{\textrm{Mu}}$ oscillations and muon ($\mu^{+}$) electric dipole moment can be conceived with improved $\mu^{+}$ and Mu beams. The principle of the novel $\mu^{+}$ beam line proposed in PRL \textbf{97}, 194801 (2006) is to stop a standard $\mu^{+}$ beam in He gas at cryogenic temperatures, and to compress the $\mu^{+}$ swarm using electric and magnetic fields and gradients of gas densities. Results of the longitudinal compression measured at $\pi$E1 beam line of PSI together with the proposed test of transverse compression will be presented.

Primary author

Mr Kim Siang Khaw (ETH Zurich)


Dr Aldo Antognini (ETH Zurich) Mr Andreas Eggenberger (ETH Zurich) Angela Papa (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr David Taqqu (Swiss federal institute of technology, Zurich) Mr Florian Piegsa (ETH Zurich) Mr Gunther Wichmann (ETH Zurich) Klaus Kirch (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Yu Bao (University of California, Riverside)

Presentation materials