Phase diffraction gratings for the transformation of neutron energy

10 Sept 2013, 09:55
Oral Tu - 1


Prof. Alexander Frank (JINR)


The review concerning the application of moving grating for the transformation of neutron energy spectrum will be presented. It was predicted theoretically almost 20 years ago [1] and experimentally demonstrated [2] that a diffraction grating moving across the neutron wave propagation acts as non-stationary quantum device. Later a moving phase grating with variable spatial frequency was successfully used for the first observation of the neutron focusing in time [3]. The comparing of energy transferred at diffraction of UCN by a moving grating with the energy change due to free falling of neutron was successfully used for experimental test of the weak equivalence principle for neutron [4]. The same approach is a base of the new gravity experiment [5] which is now in progress. The qualitative consideration and experimental data which are indicates that diffraction efficiency decreases remarkably at the grating velocity increasing will be presented. More rigorous theoretical analysis of the problem which was made recently is in qualitative agreement with experimental results [6] . Some possibilities of the solution of this problem will be discussed. [1] A.I. Frank, V.G. Nosov, Phys. Lett. A, 140, p.120 (1994) [2] S.N. Balashov, I.V. Bondarenko, A.I. Frank et al., Physica B, 350, p.246 (2004) [3] A.I. Frank, P. Geltenbort, G.V. Kulin, A.N. Strepetov, JETP Letters, 78, p.224 (2003) [4] A.I. Frank, P. Geltenbort, M. Jentschel et al., JETP Letters, 86, p.225 (2007) [5] A.I. Frank, P. Geltenbort, M. Jentschel et al., NIMA, 611, p.314 (2009) [6] V.A. Bushuev and A.I.Frank. To be published

Primary author

Prof. Alexander Frank (JINR)

Presentation materials