Investigation of systematic uncertainties of the aSPECT experiment

10 Sept 2013, 18:00



Mr Alexander Wunderle (Institute of Physics, Uni Mainz)


With the retardation spectrometer aSPECT we aim to determine the beta-neutrino angular coefficient a in free neutron decay with high precision. Using this measurement the weak coupling constants gA/gV can be determined and therefore the Standard Model can be tested. To reach this high precision, the systematic uncertainties have also to be known with high precision. In the past years several systematic investigations to determine these uncertainties have been performed and major improvements were achieved.. This poster gives an overview of the systematic uncertainties, as well as the employed methods to investigate them and the improvements to the spectrometer to minimise these uncertainties.

Primary author

Mr Alexander Wunderle (Institute of Physics, Uni Mainz)


Mr Christian Schmidt (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) Christine Klauser (ILL) Dr Ferenc Glück (KIT, Karlsruhe) Dr Gertrud Konrad (Atominstitut Wien) Jacqueline Erhart (Atominstitut Wien) Dr Marcus Beck (Helmholtz-Institut Mainz and Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz) Dr Martin Simson (Institut Laue-Langevin) Mr Michael Klopf (Atominstitut Wien) Prof. Oliver Zimmer (ILL) Mr Romain Maisonobe (ILL) Mr Romain Virot (ILL) Dr Stefan Baeßler (University of Virginia, Virginia, USA) Dr Torsten Soldner (ILL) Prof. Werner Heil (Institute of Physics)

Presentation materials