Muon Capture: Status and Prospects

10 Sept 2013, 14:55
Oral Tu - 3


Dr Peter Kammel Kammel (University of Washington, Seattle)


The MuCap experiment at PSI has published its final result on $g_P$, the weak-pseudoscalar coupling of the proton. A novel ultra-pure hydrogen TPC served as an imaging stopping volume. In gas, the $\mu p$ capture rate is relatively immune to the poorly known molecular physics complications that plagued previous efforts by others. The result, $g_P = 8.06 \pm 0.55 $ is in excellent agreement with chiral perturbation theory predictions and provides a unambiguous and stringent test of low energy QCD. After summarizing the technique and the main results, the status and prospects of this field will be reviewed.

Primary author

Dr Peter Kammel Kammel (University of Washington, Seattle)

Presentation materials