The limits on tensor-type weak currents and the beta-neutrino correlation of 6He

11 Sept 2013, 16:50
Oral Low energy precision tests of the Standard Model We - 4


Dr Frederik Wauters (Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics)


Precision measurements in nuclear and neutron beta decays are a powerful tool in search for non V-A components in the weak interaction. Such a chirality-violating scalar or tensor interaction is predicted by several theories beyond Standard Model (e.g. [1][2]). We will present a new evaluation of the limits on time-reversal invariant tensor-type weak currents [3], taking into account most recent experimental data in nuclear and neutron beta decays (e.g. [4][5]), including the 5 sigma shift in the PDG2012 recommended value for the neutron lifetime. The effective field theory framework of ref [6] enables a comparison with the limits from pion decay. In addition, the sensitivity of a future 0.1% measurement of a correlation coefficient in beta decays is investigated. Such precision is currently pursued at the University of Washington on the beta-neutrino correlation in the pure Gamow-Teller decay of 6He. The high-intensity 6He source at the local accelerator [7] makes it possible to simultaneously trap several thousand 6He atoms in a magneto-optical trap (MOT). These atoms are then transferred to a second, back-ground free, MOT. The beta-neutrino correlation is derived from the time-of-flight spectrum of the recoil 6Li ions. The beta particle which serves as a trigger is detected by a position sensitive hodoscope, the recoil ions are guided by an electrostatic field towards a multi-channel plate detector. All detector systems and both atom traps have been successfully commissioned. A first physics run is planned for this summer, aiming for a precision of 1% on the beta-neutrino correlation. [1] P. Herczeg, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 46, 413 (2001). [2] S. Profumo, M. J. Ramsey-Musolf, and S. Tulin, Phys. Rev. D 75, 075017 (2007). [3] F. Wauters, A. Garcia, and R. Hong, arXiv:1306.2608 [nucl-ex] (2013). [4] M.P. Medenhall et al. (UCNA Collaboration), Phys. Rev. C 87, 032501 (2013). [5] F. Wauters et al., Phys. Rev. C 82, 055502 (2010). [6] T. Bhattacharya et al., Phys. Rev. D 85, 054512 (2012). [7] A. Knecht et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A 660, 43-47 (2011).


Precision data in nuclear and neutron beta decays provide strong limits on tensor-type weak currents. To further increase the discovery potential of such experiments, a precision of 0.1% has to be reached. The ongoing experiment at the University of Washington to measure the beta-neutrino correlation in the decay 6He is pursuing such accuracy.

Primary author

Dr Frederik Wauters (Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics)


Prof. Alejandro Garcia (CENPA) Andreas Knecht (University of Washington) Mr David Zumwalt (CENPA) Prof. Derek Storm (CENPA) Dr Erik Swanson (CENPA) Dr Etienne Lienard (LPC) Prof. Oscar Naviliat-Cuncic (nscl) Prof. Peter Mueller (Argonne National Laboratory) Mr Ran Hong (CENPA) Dr Xavier Flechard (LPC Caen IN2P3/CNRS) Ms Yelena Bagdasarova (CENPA)

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