Cristina Lazzeroni
(University of Birmingham, UK)
The decay K+ -> pi+ nu nu-bar is highly suppressed in the Standard Model (SM), while its rate can be predicted with minimal theoretical uncertainty. The branching ratio for this decay is thus a sensitive probe of the flavor sector of the SM.; however, the smallness of this BR (8 x 10^-11) and challenging experimental signature make it very difficult to measure. The primary goal of the NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS is to measure BR(K+ -> pi+ nu nu-bar) with ~10% precision. This will require the observation of 10^13 K+ decays in the experiment's fiducial volume, as well as the use of high-performance systems for precision tracking, particle identification, and photon vetoing. These aspects of the experiment will also allow NA62 to carry out a rich program of searches for lepton flavor and/or number violating K^+ decays. Such searches can probe new physics scenarios involving, for example, heavy Majorana neutrinos or R-parity violating SUSY. Part of the experimental apparatus was commissioned during a technical run in 2012; installation continues and data taking is expected to begin in late 2014. The physics prospects and the status of the NA62 experiment will be reviewed.
Primary author
Cristina Lazzeroni
(University of Birmingham, UK)