Takatoshi Aoki
(University of Tokyo)
Exploring an electron's electric dipole moment (e-EDM) is one of the most fundamental problems in physics. Sensitivity of EDM measurement can be enhanced using heavy polar molecules which has the stronger electric field inside the molecules than that achieved in laboratory. We suggested an alternative approach to prepare the ultracold molecules produced by associating laser cooled two-species atoms at the vicinity of a Feshbach resonance. Associating a diamagnetic atom and a paramagnetic Fr atom results in producing a paramagnetic molecule with an electron spin which enables us to measure e-EDM. Producing paramagnetic molecules from ultracold Fr and Sr atoms should be expected to elongate the interaction time, and to dramatically enhance effective electric field compared with conventional Fr atomic experiments and molecular beam experiments.
We report the theoretical results of the polarization factor for the FrSr molecule under external electric field, the development of the apparatus for laser cooling of Sr, and the observation of simultaneous magneto-optical trapping (MOT) of Rb and Sr, which is a proof-of-principle experiment for realizing MOT of Fr and Sr.
Primary author
Takatoshi Aoki
(University of Tokyo)