In 2009 the first hard X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) has become operational – LCLS at Stanford University – which enables recording the full diffraction pattern of a tiny protein crystal in a single, few-femtosecond shot. This is an enormously important development but it requires a large-scale facility and investments at the national, if not the international, level. For reasons of size, costs and accessibility of the setup a small-scale XFEL, affordable by a university laboratory, would be highly desirable. <o:p></o:p>
A promising route towards a small-scale XFEL is the development of low-emittance electron sources, which enable lasing at reduced electron energies. We have developed a new, ultracold pulsed electron source, based on near-threshold photo-ionization of a laser-cooled gas. The source is characterized by an effective electron temperature of ~10 K, almost three orders of magnitude lower than conventional sources. This should enable normalized RMS emittances 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than photocathode sources, at comparable bunch charge. I will discuss the properties of this new source and the possible implications for XFELs. <o:p></o:p>
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