PSDI visits PSI (Paul Scherrer Institute)
On the last day of the conference (6 Nov), there will be an opportunity to visit the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and have a guided tour of the Swiss Light Source and the Swiss X-ray free-electron laser injector facilities.
Paul Scherrer Institute

The Paul Scherrer Institute is a centre for multi-disciplinary research and one of the world’s leading user laboratories. With its 1400 employees it belongs as an autonomous institution to the Swiss ETH domain and concentrates its activities on solid-state research and materials sciences, elementary particle physics, energy and environmental research as well as biology and medicine.
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Swiss Light Source

The Swiss Light Source (SLS) is one of the most advanced 3rd generation synchrotron worldwide. The SLS Macromolecular Crystallography (MX) group operates two high performance undulator beamlines as well as a state-of-the-art bending magnet beamline in partnership with international pharmaceutical companies (Novartis, Roche, Actelion, Boehringer Ingelheim, Proteros and Mitsubishi Chemical).
Some beamline features from the MX group include:
- Pioneered work around detectors like single photon counting hybrid pixel detector PILATUS (in operation since 2007). The next generation (EIGER detector) is scheduled for 2014 to make best use of micro-focussing capabilities.
- Advanced MAD/SAD phasing data collection protocols with PRIGo multi-axes goniometer and very rapid tunable optics.
- An integrated crystallization facility, directly adjacent to the experimental mini-hutch allows in-situ diffraction screening (testing of initial crystals for their X-ray diffraction characteristics directly in their crystallization container) at any time during user beamtime.
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The next large-scale facility at PSI – the X-ray laser SwissFEL – will come on-line in 2016. It will produce very short pulses of X-ray light, with laser-like properties. Researchers will be able to use these pulses to visualize extremely fast processes, such as how new molecules are created in a chemical reaction; to determine the detailed structure of vital proteins; or to determine the relationship between electronic and atomic structure in materials.
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A transfer by bus will be organised from hotel Astoria to Villigen PSI in the morning of 6 Nov.
The PSI team is looking forward to your visit !
On the last day of the conference (6 Nov), there will be an opportunity to visit the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and have a guided tour of the Swiss Light Source and the Swiss X-ray free-electron laser injector facilities.
Paul Scherrer Institute
The Paul Scherrer Institute is a centre for multi-disciplinary research and one of the world’s leading user laboratories. With its 1400 employees it belongs as an autonomous institution to the Swiss ETH domain and concentrates its activities on solid-state research and materials sciences, elementary particle physics, energy and environmental research as well as biology and medicine.
More information:
Swiss Light Source
The Swiss Light Source (SLS) is one of the most advanced 3rd generation synchrotron worldwide. The SLS Macromolecular Crystallography (MX) group operates two high performance undulator beamlines as well as a state-of-the-art bending magnet beamline in partnership with international pharmaceutical companies (Novartis, Roche, Actelion, Boehringer Ingelheim, Proteros and Mitsubishi Chemical).
Some beamline features from the MX group include:
- Pioneered work around detectors like single photon counting hybrid pixel detector PILATUS (in operation since 2007). The next generation (EIGER detector) is scheduled for 2014 to make best use of micro-focussing capabilities.
- Advanced MAD/SAD phasing data collection protocols with PRIGo multi-axes goniometer and very rapid tunable optics.
- An integrated crystallization facility, directly adjacent to the experimental mini-hutch allows in-situ diffraction screening (testing of initial crystals for their X-ray diffraction characteristics directly in their crystallization container) at any time during user beamtime.
The Swiss Light Source (SLS) is one of the most advanced 3rd generation synchrotron worldwide. The SLS Macromolecular Crystallography (MX) group operates two high performance undulator beamlines as well as a state-of-the-art bending magnet beamline in partnership with international pharmaceutical companies (Novartis, Roche, Actelion, Boehringer Ingelheim, Proteros and Mitsubishi Chemical).
Some beamline features from the MX group include:
- Pioneered work around detectors like single photon counting hybrid pixel detector (PILATUS, in operation since 2007). The next generation (EIGER detector) is scheduled for 2014 to make best use of micro-focussing capabilities.
- Advanced MAD/SAD phasing data collection protocols with PRIGo multi-axes goniometer and very rapid tunable optics.
- An integrated crystallization facility, directly adjacent to the experimental mini-hutch allows in-situ diffraction screening (testing of initial crystals for their X-ray diffraction characteristics directly in their crystallization container) at any time during user beamtime.
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The next large-scale facility at PSI – the X-ray laser SwissFEL – will come on-line in 2016. It will produce very short pulses of X-ray light, with laser-like properties. Researchers will be able to use these pulses to visualize extremely fast processes, such as how new molecules are created in a chemical reaction; to determine the detailed structure of vital proteins; or to determine the relationship between electronic and atomic structure in materials.
More information:
A transfer by bus will be organised from hotel Astoria to Villigen PSI in the morning of 6 Nov.
The PSI team is looking forward to your visit !