GFA Seminars

Operations and Accelerator Physics R&D at NSLS

by Boris Podobedov (Brookhaven National Laboratory BNL, Upton NY, USA)

WBGB/019 (PSI)




The NSLS facility was designed in the late 1970s and consists of two 2nd generation storage rings, the X-ray ring (2.8 GeV), and the VUV ring (0.8 GeV). NSLS has routinely operated both rings for more than 5000 hours/year and with greater than 95% reliability, serving a diverse community with over 2000 users each year. It is expected to continue with this level of performance until 2015 when it will be replaced by the NSLS-II storage ring, presently under construction at Brookhaven. In this talk I will speak about some recent developments in the NSLS accelerator complex. I will also speak about accelerator physics R&D performed at the NSLS Source Development Lab, a test bed for FEL and high brightness beams.

<o:p></o:p>Contact: Michael Boege (4588)