SwissFEL ESA Experimental Techniques Symposium

WSLA/008 (PSI)



Paul Scherrer Institut WSLA/008 5232 Villigen PSI
With their unique combination of high per-pulse X-ray flux and femtosecond pulse durations, hard x-ray free electron lasers are an almost ideal source for time-resolved structural experiments. Experimental Station A (ESA) of the SwissFEL will focus on probing the ultrafast dynamics of molecular and biological systems in the condensed phase using a combination of X-ray spectroscopy and scattering. In light of this goal we have invited four experts to give us an overview of various time-resolved X-ray techniques, what physical information they can provide, and their experiences in using these techniques at various FEL facilities around the world. The techniques covered include X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray emission spectroscopy, and X-ray scattering on liquids and molecular crystals. We hope that by the end of the workshop everyone in the audience will have a firm grasp of the physical principles behind the techniques and have an idea as to how they could be appropriately applied to their own research at SwissFEL in the future.
  • Andrea LüBCKE
  • Bruce Patterson
  • Chris MILNE
  • Christian ERNY
  • Claudio Cirelli
  • Edoardo Baldini
  • Fabio Giacomo Santomauro
  • Flavio ZAMPONI
  • Friso van der Veen
  • Gregor Knopp
  • György Vankó
  • Hans-Christian SIGG
  • Jacinto Sa
  • Jakub Szlachetko
  • Joanna Hoszowska
  • Jochen Rittmann
  • Julio Cesar Da Silva
  • Juraj Krempasky
  • Kristoffer Haldrup
  • Maciej LORENC
  • Maddalena PEDIO
  • Mahsa SILATANI
  • Marco Calvi
  • Nicola Pietro Maria Casati
  • Pavle JURANIC
  • Stephanie Stevenson
  • Thomas Eduard GERBER
  • Wojciech Blachucki
  • Wojciech GAWELDA
  • Yuzhu LIU
  • Yves KAYSER
    • 1
      Welcome and Introduction
      Speaker: Dr Chris Milne (Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 2
      FXE Instrument - a suite of complementary x-ray techniques for ultrafast structural dynamics in condensed matter systems
      Speaker: Dr Wojciech Gawelda (European XFEL)
    • 10:45 AM
      Coffee break
    • 3
      Molecular colour movies: the use of hard X-ray spectroscopy in ultrafast experiments
      Speaker: Dr György Vankó (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch break
    • 4
      Robust extraction of structure and dynamics from Time-Resolved X-ray data
      Speaker: Dr Kristoffer Haldrup (Centre for Molecular Movies, Technical University of Denmark, Physics Department, NEXMAP Section. Centre for Molecular Movies,)
    • 3:00 PM
      Coffee break
    • 5
      Photoswitchable molecular materials : gold rush revived and tool cart reinvented
      Speaker: Dr Maciej Lorenc (CNRS, University Rennes 1)
    • 6
      Speaker: Dr Chris Milne (Paul Scherrer Institut)