May 28, 2013
Europe/Zurich timezone
With their unique combination of high per-pulse X-ray flux and femtosecond pulse durations, hard x-ray free electron lasers are an almost ideal source for time-resolved structural experiments. Experimental Station A (ESA) of the SwissFEL will focus on probing the ultrafast dynamics of molecular and biological systems in the condensed phase using a combination of X-ray spectroscopy and scattering. In light of this goal we have invited four experts to give us an overview of various time-resolved X-ray techniques, what physical information they can provide, and their experiences in using these techniques at various FEL facilities around the world. The techniques covered include X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray emission spectroscopy, and X-ray scattering on liquids and molecular crystals. We hope that by the end of the workshop everyone in the audience will have a firm grasp of the physical principles behind the techniques and have an idea as to how they could be appropriately applied to their own research at SwissFEL in the future.
Paul Scherrer Institut WSLA/008 5232 Villigen PSI