3–7 Jul 2011
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

The SwissFEL X-Ray Laser Project

6 Jul 2011, 11:00
WHGA/001 (Villigen PSI)


Villigen PSI

Oral presentation Free Electron Lasers Free Electron Lasers


Dr Rafael Abela (Project Leader Photonics, swiss FEL, PSI)


The Paul Scherrer Institute is planning the construction of a X-ray free electron laser (SwissFEL), which will produce 20 fsec pulses of coherent x-rays in the wavelength range 0.1 to 7 nm, with extremely high peak brightness. These characteristics will provide opportunities for new experiments in chemistry, solid state physics, biochemistry and materials science. The presentation will focus on novel applications with the weight on gaining structural information, the description of the fundamental aspects of the planned facility, and last but not least the milestones towards the planned operation.

Presentation materials