Jul 3 – 7, 2011
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

HowTo upload material

Once you received the automated e-mail notification your abstract was accepted (independent if oral or poster) you will be enabled to submit material1 (preferably pdf and ppt formats) via your personal access ID by logging into the PSI Indico system.

Via the “My Conference → My contributions” tab you can click on the title of your contribution (contributions if you have more than one). This will open a new dialog window which gives the options for uploading any kind of material you will need during the conference. The organizers of the iWoRID would like you to provide your slides for a talk here, since it gives us easy access for the presentation setup. Since the conference will be situated at different places (ETH Zurich and PSI) it would make things more comfortable to not having the material on a local PC. You as submitter have full control over the access rights of your material. By default these rights are inherited by the conference access rights which is “public”.

Clicking on “Add Material” opens up the dialog box where you can choose the contribution file (Browse button) and the type of material you intend to submit. As you see, the default protection is set to “open” which means visible to everyone. Here we recommend you select “Only me and the users I specify” to protect your material especially when you have sensitive material which is not yet published or you need the exclusive allowance from collaborators.

Choosing this option will give access to an additional protection tab where you can give specific permissions for your contribution.

The protection allows you to specifically give access to collaborators or persons you whish to give access for reviewing. If an object is PRIVATE, nobody can access it but the managers, the users/groups in the access list named “Users allowed to access” and those who know the “access key2 if set.

Here comes a thing in Indico we consider as bug: You have to put yourself into that list of allowed users. Otherwise you will exclude yourself from viewing the contribution!

Once, everything is set, you hit the “Create Resource” button to upload your contribution. Depending on the size of your file it will take some time to upload your material. There is no restriction to the number of files you upload. Once you are finished, you can visit your contributions at any time or individually change the protection rights or remove the material by using the symbols highlighted.

The red key indicates that you have set access restrictions.

1 Experiences of former conferences have shown, that it was useful for the audience to have access to your presentation, browse though it individually or download it later for reporting others on your results. We will later ask for permission to publish your contribution on the web or ask to provide us with a censored, politically correct version.


2 The only reason for setting an access key is if you want to send the link to somebody else not having an Indico account. Those you can provide with the link and access key. The URL for your contribution can be found clicking on the edit symbol next to the contributions title. The key can only be generated for a certain type of contribution in common, here “Slides”. To enter a key you need to navigate to the Protection tab on the edit symbol next to “Slides”.