Front-end Electronics and Readout II: 2 contributions
- Bernd Schmitt (PSI)
Danek Kotlinski
(Department for Particles and Matter, PSI)
06/07/2011, 14:00
High Energy Physics & Astronomy
Oral presentation
During the past 20 years pixel detectors have advanced into precise
tracking devices used in particle physics experiments.
Since 2008 they have been successfully used in three LHC experiments:
Alice, Atlas and CMS.
What made these detectors difficult to build were the strict requirements for
high readout speed, resistance to very high level of radiation and low mass.
All three LHC...
Grigore Moldovan
(University of Oxford)
06/07/2011, 14:35
Front-end Electronics and Readout
Oral presentation
Whilst CCD imagers are replaced by CMOS chips in general consumer applications, there is an increased interest in the use of CMOS-based monolithic active pixel sensors (MAPS) for scientific and medical instrumentation. One of the important features that drives the adoption of this technology is its potential use for direct detection of radiation, which avoids the need for intermediate...
Graeme Stewart
(University of Glasgow)
06/07/2011, 14:55
Front-end Electronics and Readout
Oral presentation
We compare a new Active Pixel Sensor (APS) to a Princeton Instruments PIXIS-XO: 2048B Charge Coupled Device (CCD) used by Diamond Light Source (DLS). Despite CCDs being established in the field of scientific imaging, APS are an innovative technology that offers advantages over CCDs. These include faster readout, higher operational temperature, in-pixel electronics for advanced image...