Poster Mini Talks III
- Val O'Shea (University of Glasgow)
Anton Tremsin
(University of California at Berkeley)
7/4/11, 5:40 PM
Detector Systems
Poster presentation
Following the achievements in X-ray imaging several new imaging modalities have been demonstrated recently in thermal and cold neutron radiography. In addition to conventional radiography and tomography based on neutron absorption contrast both propagation and grating-based diffraction contrast as well as phase contrast imaging has been demonstrated with neutrons providing unique...
Miho Yamada
7/4/11, 5:41 PM
Detector Systems
Poster presentation
The SemiConductor Tracker (SCT), comprising of silicon micro-strip detectors is one of the key precision tracking devices in the ATLAS Inner Detector. ATLAS is one of the experiments at CERN LHC.
The completed SCT is in very good shapes with 99.3% of the SCT’s 4088 modules (a total of 6.3 million strips) are operational. The noise occupancy and hit efficiency exceed the design...
Anna Fröjdh
(Mid Sweden University)
7/4/11, 5:42 PM
Detector Systems
Poster presentation
Radon gas, 222Rn, is a problem in many buildings. The radon gas is not harmful in itself, but the decay chain contains charged elements as 218Po, and 214Po ions which have a tendency to stick to the lungs. Alpha particles from the decay of these ions cause damages to the lungs and increase the risk of lung cancer. Exposure to radon is estimated to cause between 3-14% of all lung cancer cases,...
Felix Rauscher
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
7/4/11, 5:43 PM
Detector Systems
Poster presentation
The ATLAS muon spectrometer consists of a system of precision tracking and trigger chambers embedded in a 2T magnetic field generated by three large air‐core superconducting toroids. The precision Monitored Drift Tube (MDT) chambers measure the track sagitta up to a pseudo‐rapidity of 2.7 with a 50 μm uncertainty yielding a design muon transverse momentum resolution of 10% at 1 TeV. Muon...
Paul-Antoine Douissard
7/4/11, 5:44 PM
Detector Systems
Poster presentation
In a high-resolution (micrometer spatial resolution) X-ray imaging detector [1], the Single Crystal Film (SCF) is the first element of the detection chain. Its role is crucial as its efficiency and thickness directly impacts the Detective Quantum Efficiency (DQE) of the detection system. The ideal SCF should possess high absorption efficiency, high light output, low afterglow, optical match...
Fadahat Mamedov
(Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, CTU in Prague)
7/4/11, 5:45 PM
Detector Systems
Poster presentation
Neutrinoless double beta decay (0nuBetaBeta) is a problem of great interest in particle physics (e.g.[1], [2]). It is the best process to study the nature of the neutrino (Dirac or Majorana particle) and could clarify its mass scale. This year the NEMO collaboration [3] has finished main R&D of the SuperNEMO detector design to improve the sensitivity to T1/2(0nu) to the level of ~10^26 years...
Jan Tous
(Crytur, Ltd.)
7/4/11, 5:46 PM
Detector Systems
Poster presentation
Over the last decades the traditional photographic films used in radiology have been replaced by the digital X-ray imaging sensors. The main advantages of these systems are their detection efficiency of the image acquisition and the ability to directly digitally transfer and enhance obtained images. In this paper we characterize and evaluate the X-ray imaging performance of a YAG single...
Marcisovsky Michal
(IoP ASCR PRague)
7/4/11, 5:47 PM
Detector Systems
Poster presentation
The ATLAS Pixel Detector is the innermost detector of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, providing high-resolution measurements of charged particle tracks in the high radiation environment close to the collision region. This capability is vital for the identification and measurement of proper decay times of long-lived particles such as b-hadrons, and thus vital for the...
Omeime Xerviar Esebamen
(Mid Sweden University)
7/4/11, 5:48 PM
Free Electron Lasers
Poster presentation
There is an ever growing need for highly effective electron detectors with high responsivity. One of the parameters that has been shown to have a negative influence on the responsivity of a radiation detector is the surface recombination velocities of minority carriers at the Si-SiO2 interface. With the n+p detector discovered to possess better responsivity than a p+n detector at any given...
Joshy M. Jose
(Institute of applied and experimental physics)
7/4/11, 5:49 PM
Detector Systems
Poster presentation
Timepix background studies for double beta decay experiments
Joshy M. Jose for TGV and COBRA collaborations
Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Czech Technical University in Prague
The double beta decay (Beta-Beta) is very challenging subject of today’s physics. It can be used as a powerful tool to test neutrino properties (e.g. Dirac or Majorana type of neutrino) and...
Zaťko Bohumír
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia)
7/4/11, 5:50 PM
Detector Systems
Poster presentation
The paper is devoted to design, numerical modeling, fabrication and evaluation of a detector with the new electrodes topology: standard sandwich-like two electrode detector is complemented by an additional electrode surrounding the small circular anode Schottky contact. It is shown that the detection efficiency of such detector with connected bottom and surface electrode increases 2-4 times...
angelica cecilia
(KIT (Karlsruhe, Germany))
7/4/11, 5:51 PM
Sensor Materials, Device Processing & Technologies
Poster presentation
Investigation of the crystallographic and detection properties of the CdTe at the ANKA synchrotron light source
A. Cecilia, E. Hamann, C. Haas, D. Greiffenberg, A. Danilewsky, D. Haenschke, A. Fauler, A. Zwerger, R. Simon, T. Baumbach, M. Fiederle
CdTe is widely used as room temperature detector for - and X-ray detection due to its high atomic number Z (48 and 52 for Cd and Te,...